Chapter 1

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Holidays. Holidays were the worst.

This is the thought running through Rory's mind while she sat in a Starbucks in New York City sipping her mediocre Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha. She chuckled as she thought about her mom striking her down by drinking this, but really didn't care because she enjoyed the various holiday drinks. Except for Pumpkin Spice. That stuff could go away and she'd be thankful.

Her thoughts continued to wander as she sat by the window and watched the people going by, hurrying to places. Maybe work? Maybe shopping? Either way, it made her feel lonely. While her Mom was pretty close, it was still quite the drive to make and, because she was still paying her dues, she couldn't just take off every holiday.

And, because her mom was still trying to get the Inn into the black, she couldn't always come to the city. So, if they couldn't meet, Rory spent the holiday in her apartment in Brooklyn, eating Chinese or pizza and binging on TV and movies. Healthy? No. Satisfying? Yes.

Rory sighed as she realized it would be another holiday alone and at the realization that she was sad about it. While everyone she saw rushed by with packages, she didn't have anyone to rush by with packages for. And she wanted that. But, being a newly minted senior reporter at the Post and being in features didn't allow her much time off to try and find that person. See previously mentioned holidays spent alone in her apartment for an explanation.

She sighed again as she finished her drink and stared glumly into the bottom of the cup.

"Now, Mary, is that any way to treat your beverage?"

Rory jumped and turned around to come face to face with Tristan, the bane of her existence from Chilton.

"Tristan?" she asked, disbelieving.

"The one and only," he responded as he slid onto the stool next to her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well, you know, that's the funny thing about growing up. I got a job. In New York. Right around the corner actually. So.....I tend to frequent this Starbucks. What about you?"

Rory filled him in on her job and they lapsed into silence. Since they weren't facing each other, Rory couldn't really look at Tristan head on, but she was able to study him from the side. He was still devastatingly handsome, but it was obvious he was more mature by the lines developing around his eyes and the shape of his face. His hair was longer and styled, no longer a messy, spiky mop from when they were in school. His suit also looked expensive and tailored for him. She had to admit, Tristan looked very good. Realizing this also made her thankful that they weren't looking at each other. She didn't want Tristan to know she was checking him out or that she thought he was hot.

"So, Mary, I thought you'd be in that little podunk town you call home. What was it? Pleasantville?"

Rory rolled her eyes. "Stars Hollow. Nice to know you're still as charming as ever. You never could get my name right."

Tristan chuckled. "It's just, Mary suits you so much better."

Rory rolled her eyes, but didn't comment. She checked the time on her phone and stood. "Well, it was nice to see you Tristan, but I have to get going. The news waits for no man or woman, as the case may be."

With that, she gathered her cup and trash, dropped them in their respective places and made her way outside and down the street. The entire walk back to her office, she thought about the random meeting with Tristan. Honestly, she hadn't thought too much about Tristan after he left Chilton. Of course, it was odd immediately once he left because her main tormentor was gone. But, other than that, his absence hadn't meant too much to her.

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