Quotes - Attila

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Chris Fronzak - Vocals
"I don't always drink, but when I do, I choose Capri Sun"

"Life's a b*tch, and so are you"

"I don't doubt myself at all. I think I'm here to be a champ and rule the world."

"Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse. It ends the chance of it getting better.

"Mondays don't suck, YOU SUCK!"

"It's good to be weird cuz nobody like a basic b*tch."

"Abra Cadabra I wanna reach out and grab ya!"

"Be anything you want. Besides idiot. Or b*tch, because there to many of those."

"Keep you negativity to yourself, we don't need that sh*t"

"I'd rather be sober with a sports car, than drunk with nothing."

"Before you blame everyone for your problems, take a look in the mirror and make sure the problem isn't yourself"
Chris Linck - Lead Guitar
"If you're going to be crazy, you have to be paid for it or else you're going to be locked up"


"I was just told that I look like the White Tupac by a girl working at Starbucks."
Sean Heenan - Drums (Former) (Don't know other drummer lol)
"Oh sh*t Christmas songs are in full effect everywhere now"

"Going to see a surgeon to tell me how f*cked up my wrist is....yay"

"You know you have good friends when the house is cleaner than it was before the party"

"Oh my god babe is it to late to play drums? I really need to play Hawthorne Heights right now!!"

"Always righting checks, gotta keep that payroll fresh"

"Trying to not burn my eyes waiting for this solar flare homicide lol"

"When the bus driver backs into one of your crews car 😢"

"Let's just say habanero chicken bites and coffee are not the best breakfast combo"

"It's ok to drink a lot as long as you grill 10 sausages and 2 racks of ribs to munch on at 2:00 am"

"Mask off"

"Red bottoms on my feet like my shoes have brake lights"

"In life you have to learn how to see the bright side of things"
Kalan Blehm - Bass
"I just want to claim you as mine, so no one can steal you away from me"

"11:43 and I'm arranging my room...fair enough"

"To Pokémon or not to Pokémon"
Nate Salameh - Rhythm Guitar
"I was walking with my girlfriend and a random guy came up to me and said she's way to pretty for you. Thanks??"

"There is something wrong with becoming exhausted from eating trying to give yourself energy"

"Chik-Fil- A was closed the day I was born"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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