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She's in a dark hallway, the only way she can see is because there are a couple of blue neon lights on the ground. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears and she hears a man. "Molly..." The man says in a deep dark voice, almost like a murderer after their victim. "It's nice to meet you, Molly..." He continues in that same tone. Molly's heartbeat increases. "What's the matter? I'm not gonna hurt you..." 

"G-go away!" Molly shrieks, scared for her life. 

"Don't you wanna meet me, Molly? I want to meet you..." The voice sounds like it's closer.

"Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" Molly asks, running away from the shadowy figure. 

"Now you want to know who I am? I can't give you information if you keep running from me, Molly!" 

"Please don't hurt me!" Molly yells.

"I would never intend to hurt you, Molly..."

"Liar! I don't even know you!"

"Molly? What are you talking about?" The voice no longer sounds dark.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about you bastard!"

"What? Molly, wake up!" Molly jolts awake to see her husband looking very concerned. "Are you okay?" 

"Y-yeah, that was just a really messed up dream..." She says.

"You've been having a lot of those lately, are you doing alright? You're not feeling sad or stressed, are you?" Chris asks, concerned.

"No, I feel normal and nothing is stressing me out. I don't know why I keep having these crazy dreams." She puts a hand to her head.

"Here, I'll get you some water." He says, quickly leaving to fetch it.

"You didn't have to do that..." She blushes, taking the water from him when he returns.

"I wanted to. I gotta make sure my wife is alright." Chris kisses the top of her head.

"Aw, thank you, honey. You're too kind." She gives him a peck on the lips before getting up. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Just having weird dreams is all." 

"Good. Also, Penny wants to play Uno with us but I don't know where the deck is."

"I know where it is. Meet me in the living room while I dig them up." Chris smiles and leaves to tell Penny they are about to play.


"Mommy, we are out of milk!" Molly hears her daughter yell from the kitchen. "And cereal!" Penny continues.

"Alright, do you wanna take a trip with mommy to the grocery store?" Molly sighs, putting her book down and walking in the kitchen.

"Can we get ice cream while we are out, too?" Penny asks and Molly rolls her eyes.

"Fine, but don't expect to get ice cream every time we go to the store." She points at her daughter who has a wide grin.

"No promises!" Penny yells as she goes to get her jacket.


The mother and daughter arrive at the store and start looking for cereal and milk. "Okay Penny, what cereal do you want?" Molly asks her daughter as they stand in front of the many selections of cereal.

"I want Fruit Loops!" 

"No, we are not getting Fruit Loops. Choose something we all like to eat, please." Penny pouts and reluctantly chooses another cereal.

"Fine, Cinnamon Toast Crunch." Molly nods.

"That's a better choice. Maybe when mommy gets a job that isn't online we can get you Fruit Loops to eat all by yourself." 

"Okay, but you better get me Fruit Loops when that happens." Molly chuckles.

"Alright, I'll make sure to get you your beloved Fruit Loops." Molly starts pushing the cart down the aisle when she passes by a man also pushing a cart. She does a double take, recognizing the man from somewhere. 

"Mom? What's wrong?" Penny asks, tugging lightly on Molly's sweater when Molly stops walking and stares at the man. The man stops and starts looking at the coffee, but then looks over at Molly when he feels someone staring at him.

"Hello?" He asks and Molly's eyes widen, immediately recognizing him now.

"Sorry, Penny. Lets go get some milk..." Molly looks away from the man and starts walking away again.

"Mommy, why were you staring at that man? I think you made him uncomfortable." 

"He looked familiar, sweetie. I was just trying to remember, I didn't mean to stare at him." 

"Then you should go apologize, he is probably really confused..." Penny advises. Molly smiles, knowing Penny is too smart for her age.

"I would but I've already walked away. If I walk back to just apologize I'll make him more uncomfortable." Penny just nods, dropping the subject.

Oh god, how can the man from my dreams exist in real life? Molly thinks to herself as she drags Penny towards the milk.



Sorry if this is boring, I started writing this a long time ago and decided to pick it back up. I have a few ideas for it but not many so I hope some of you will enjoy it at least. Thanks guys!

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