Chapter 24:The Break Up And The Aftermath

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Alec's POV

  I'm left on the floor, bleeding. The last thing I can properly her a is Maureen giggling. Since I'm still slightly conscious, I manage to get my phone. My first thought is to call Magnus, but I can't now. Instead I manage to call Isabelle. The phone starts ringing, she only answers when it's almost over. For a second I thought she wasn't going to answer at all. "Hey Alec." I'm struggling to make out words. I'm coughing and I can taste the coppery taste of blood.

  "Isa-Isabelle, help. I'm at the abandoned subway station. Come. Quick. Please."

  "Alec! Hang on please, I can't lose another brother! I-I'll be there in a second." The line goes dead, and there are black spots in my vision. It's becoming harder to stay awake, so I let the darkness take me. It's not like anyone but my family will miss me.

  There's one bright light, maybe death has come for me again. No, this one is more artificial than the one I first saw when I was technically dead because if that greater demon. Am I alive? If I am then why can't I open my eyes? I force my eyes open to the bright light. What I open them to is a sight I've already seen, but instead of Magnus it's Isabelle. "Isabelle," I croak.

  "Alec! You're OKAY! I was so worried, I thought I lost you. It was almost to late, but I got to you just in time. I put plenty of healing runes on you and a silent brother came by to check on you. You should be okay, just a bit sore."

  "How long have I been I been out?" My voice was cracking and the tears were threatening to spill over. The painful memories decide to pop up now.

  "Only a bit over a day, so you're going to be fine. What were you doing in the subway anyway? Do you want me to call Magnus?" She just had to mention him. Now I can't contain the tears. They're streaming down my face and Isabelle pulls me into a hug. "Alec, why are you crying?"

  "I-I can't tell you, yet. Give m-me some time."

  "Okay, I'll stay with you for now until you can tell me." She holds me until I can calm down, which took quite a while. "I loved him," I said through my sobs.

  "I know you did, what happened? Is everything alright?" When I'm finally able to speak with out sniffling I tell her the whole story. How I went to Camille to learn about Magnus, How Magnus found me, and how I was attacked. She listened and nodded throughout my explanation, but when I was finished she shedded her polite attitude. "I CALL BULLSHIT ON THAT. Alec you're going to be alright. It's that asshole who's going to rot in hell for what he did. What you did was not right, but you weren't going to go along with it anyway.  He should've let you explain! Sure he must love you, but he's just being plain stupid right now. He needs to learn to stop being so secretive."

  "Isabelle, just don't anything stupid please. Can I go to my room now." Protective Isabelle is gone now, it's back to polite Isabelle.

  "Yeah Alec. Are you going to be okay?"

  "I don't know, give me a while. Don't expect to see much of me though."

  "Alec, it's going to be alright. You'll get over him, you'll learn to be happy without him. I'll bring your meals up to your room now."

  "But I loved him, can't he see that. Was my love not enough for him?" The tears were back, and I just let them fall freely.

  "No, Alec that's not it at all. He loved you I know it, he just needs some time. You both need some time." With a nod of my head, I left the infirmary and went up to the my room. My body went numb and I let myself fall onto the bed. My sobs were louder this time, just letting it all out. The closest thing to me.ironically was the blue scarf Magnus had given me. A normal person would've throw it away, but I brought it up to my face. His scent still clung to it. It was like home, but not anymore.

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