Chapter 1: Bad News (1806)

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It was my 16th birthday again (16 is the age Shadow Guardians stop ageing), the king is vary sick so I haven't seen Ash. That night I got a note from him to meet him, that he had bad news to tell me. That night was cold, no one was out, not even the night owls. With all my training I can see like it was day time, I got there to see him in tears and his royal clothing. I walked up to him as he hugied me, something happened and it was killing him if I end up crying. We became more then friends and best friends, we became lovers. "Astra, I-I'm s-so sorry." he said holding me tight, "I-I-I c-c-can't s-see you no more." after those words left his mouth, I felt something in me brake, I felt like everything drained from my body. "I'm becoming king a-an-and I'm marring the duchess of Town Vill." I couldn't stop the tears from forming, I felt weak, I couldn't stand seeing him so I ran, I didn't stop. I ran home and into the training room, I punched the bag till my knuckles bleed. I was lost didn't know what to do. The wedding was in a few months, maybe he can reject or fight this. Who am I kidding he will never.

(A few months) 

It was the day of the wedding, everyone came. I was made to cause of ant attacks may happen. I was wearing my uniform not caring about how I dressed up, not caring if anything happens right now.  The only this is that no one can see me, I made myself invisible so no one knows what I am and he can't see me. The wedding was starting and the bride was coming, second she reached him, he ran out. I knew something was up and I knew where he was going. I ran after him almost running into Nea, the bride, who ran to the door trying to stop him, he was to fast. I went around and ran to the one spot I knew he will be. "knew I'll find you here." I said walking through the bush. Second I was out he hugged me, "I can't do this, I can't." he said with a sob at the end. I hugged him back trying to calm him down, "you have to do this, even if it's not what you want, It's whats right that matters." I said with a smile staying nice and happy as I can be. "I know, but I saw you there in your uniform, I have to tell you something." he finished what he was saying and kissed me, I didn't know what to do. "I promise that one day, I'll come back to you and everything would be the way it was." he said as he let go, I let him leave after the promise that  he can't keep. Then something hit me, he saw me at the wedding, how I was using my powers no one see me. I walked outside of the castle thinking till Gabe came out. He took me home and I isolated myself in the training room. I was confused, angry, that he promised something he can't do, I will never age when I hit 16, but he will, we will never be together. That's when I heard it, a "tink" sound, someone was throwing rocks at the training room windows. I walked over and looked out, "Lady Jax, Prince or should I say king Ashton has changed." he said out of breath, I don't get it, what happened. I was with him a few hours ago. What happened to him and what is mat talking about? I was thinking then I hear a weird sound and the world went black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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