Need You Now

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The flight from Sydney to New York was the longest of my life, both literally and figuratively. After my word vomit on FaceTime with Harry, I wasn't sure how to face him, his real face. We had spoken since then, but I had avoided more video chats. I still remembered his little kid laugh as I divulged my secrets.

The first thing I had blurted when he answered was the truest and the most damning. I'm sure I had other truths I should not have told him, but I hadn't even admitted those to myself yet.

The 'I miss you' came flying out, sailing through the air and landing with a flourish as soon as his damn celery rib eyes de-pixelated. He laughed and smiled goofily, dimples pressed deep and self-assurance apparent.

"You miss me, huh?"

"Yeah," I breathed and searched over his face. I fell back into my bed, if felt slow and dreamy on my end, but my world was beginning to resemble a tilt-o-whirl from the drinks and the sun earlier in the day, so it was probably much more clumsy than my blissed-out brain registered.

"You look comfy."

"Not as comfy as I am in our bed." Had I been more sober I'd have slapped my hand over my mouth.

My favorite smile accompanied the weird snort-sneeze laugh he did when shockingly amused. I sighed, and my hazy brain was pretty sure he missed it. "Which bed was ours, exactly? I recall sleeping in lots of different ones together."

"They were all ours." My drunk conviction was strong. "We were both in them, right?"

"We were," he verified. "Is that your room? Take me on a tour," I was never good at saying no to Harry.

I sat up suddenly and burped. "Woah!?" I grabbed my side table. "I need a minute."

"How much did you have, Melly?"

"I love when you call me that." I later cringed when I recalled that I had said it in a whisper,but in the moment I just looked at him, hard.

He reached up and wiped his chin, " Do I have something on my face!!"

"No, why?"

"You were just staring at my nose, I was afraid I had a bogey."

"No, just looking at you. You're like, really pretty."

HIs eyes lit up as he recognized my quote. He pulled his hand over his face, and took on a irritated look before rolling his eyes, "As if!" then repeated his gesture, "and scene."

I giggled at his antics. "We quoting movies now?"

"What like it's hard?" I had forgotten all about my room tour with the new game.

My drunk brain was slow, but I loved quoting movies. "Boo, you Whore!" I decided to stick with Mean Girl's.

"You smell like a baby prostitute!"

"You look disgusting." I mimicked Colin Firth's voice pretty well I thought.

"I'm sorry that you are jealous of me, I can't help it that I'm so popular," He pretended to push hair off his shoulder.

"Cheat," I pointed at his through the screen, "You changed the words."

"No, no, Let me think, I can beat you."

He'd never beat me at anything, "It'll take a miracle! "I punched my arm in the air in triumph.

"Inconceivable!" He exclaimed and was apparently so proud of himself he slapped his own knee.

"This has devolved, mate, we are just quoting 'The Princess Bride' now."

"Yeah, but it's so good!" He got a gleam in his eye. "We should watch it when you get back."

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