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Everything was quiet - the only sound to be heard was the humming emitting from a young man. He was pale - deathly so - and skinny, as if he hadn't eaten in days; which he hadn't. His hair was white, with brown roots and black tips. His eyes were covered by white framed sunglasses - the left lense being blue and the right one being red.

His clothing was a simple white shirt and some pants; both ripped and dirty. His feet were uncovered and cold.

"Shut up!" Someone shouted from a cement cell over. Although the walls were cement, they were rather thin. So thin that a couple prisoners had broken through them out of rage and had fallen into other cells. The back walls were thicker, but didn't stop the outside cold from invading.

Despite the demands from the unseen stranger, the humming man continued. The other prisoners had become used to it; the humming of the man they had yet to see. That doesn't mean they weren't going to yell and shout to get him to be quiet for a measly minute or two. They reveled in the time that the man was taken to his daily experiments, or at least they had. They had yet to hear the humming stop for a week now - the man hadn't been bothered, in fact, no one had been bothered. No one had been taken for experiments since the humming man had went last week.

"Hey, hummer!" A scruffy voice called from some other cell, "why aren't we bein' taken for chemicals?" This question seemed to make the humming die, but no answer had been heard.

The cold young man that had once been humming looked over his shoulder at the cracked cement wall; where the voice had sounded from.

"They are waiting." Was his only response and he turned back to picking at his cuticles. His answer held truth. The scientists that had stolen him from the outside rubble were waiting for the last chemicals they injected to settle - to adapt. It was the last chemical they would be using on this batch.

"Waitin' for-" The voice had tried to speak again, but a loud boom had cut him off. Scared screams emitted from other cells, while the young man stood from the solid floor and approached his cell door. He was just as confused as others, just as scared, but he didn't let it show on his face. If they were being killed or taken away he wasn't going to go in fear or confusion. That wasn't his style. So instead, he faced the cell door with a small smirk.

When the door opened and revealed an armored soldier, gun at their side, and helmet protecting their head, his smirk grew. He could tell based on the soldier's posture that he wasn't going to be killed, and the nice smile on her face let him know that he was being saved.

Well, that and he watched as other prisoners were being gently put on stretchers and such. Not many could muster up to the strength and energy to take a simple step.

"We are here to save you." The soldier looked at the young man heroically, standing as if they were expecting to receive a medal.

"Okay." The man shrugged and sauntered passed the soldier, leaving her shocked.

"H-Hey wait a minute!" The armored woman stumbled both over her words and her feet as she caught up to the prisoner she was assigned to rescue, "do you need help walking? Or do have any wounds I can tend?" Her voice was polite, but nervous and she seemed new at rescuing.

"Uh, no." The man quickly shut her down and a disappointed frown formed on her soft features.

"Um, well, my name is Doe - like the deer? And I was assigned to rescue you, so it'd be great if you helped me rescue you here."

The man gave a laugh and patted the females padded shoulder, "The name's Smitty, spelled with two i's and a seven, or as some people have taken to calling me here, 'Hummer'."

The woman cocked her head in confusion, and even though Smii7y saw the action, he made no effort to explain the meaning behind his names.

Eventually, all the prisoners were being packed onto a beige ship with a large door taking up one full side of it. The pilot bay was small compared to the rest of it, and it's wings were small enough to fit in between the destroyed buildings surrounding the lab that they had all just crawled out of. Smii7y didn't expect such a large and cold lab to be buried under the frozen ground and rubble. He would've liked to stay to admire the odd beauty of the broken and destroyed city, or warm his frozen feet over the infinite fires burning.

"Hey, Smitty, hurry up or we leave without you." Doe threatened, but the man still outside the ship could tell it was empty. He gave a smirk and hopped onto the surprisingly warm floor of the ship.

He was the last one on, and after a call from another soldier the door closed slowly before the ship rose off the ground. It was silent for approximately five seconds before Smitty started humming and annoyed groans emitted from the other prisoners.


Written by: Odd (Non-existent_Sanity)


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Sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day! :)


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