" I suggest you leave that boy, it was a jolly ride but the journey ends here, let him get married, you will never marry him why ruin his life ?" Ikram brought her out of reverie.
" I can't Ikky , I think I'm obsessed with him ,let me strike a deal with him if he will come to me whenever I call,  if he will Still drive me mad with pleasure I will let him have his pathetic married life in peace . Taking out her phone she dialled his number and with a disgruntled voice he answered " A I just heard that you're still getting married , congratulations in advance I hope it lasts a lifetime ,but I have a condition "
" Go on I'm listening "
" That you won't leave me, we will Still be together " she said fidgeting, nervous for the second time in her life all because of a certain nobody Ahmad .
" Done deal now if you'll excuse me, I'm in the middle of something when you called " he cut the call and she yelped in joy .Whatever the consequences as long as she have him she's okay .

She's also a heiress to a large fortune, it was rumoured that she killed her mother when she was fifteen out of provocation and her  father died 12 years later due to a heart problem ,no one took her in because she's notorious ,she was feared among her immediate family members so she left town. Her late father's business is still going on while the enjoys the fruits of other people's  labour. Her parents were very good people no one knows whom she takes after, she's a woman without a heart , a stone cold heart that live life to the fullest a life devoid of religion a life she's living like an animal , the kind of life no one will wish his child to have.  At 32 she had established different clubs and joints and she's happy about that , bad things give her pleasure getting high is the order of the day .

After Ahmad got married ,she made sure she have him whenever she wanted, sometimes she will call him at 1am and he will come to her and get back to his unsuspecting innocent wife, he will be proudly boasting to her on how hard he's making Cat's life and it makes her happy, she had a spy who tell her the ins and outs of his house so she believed him , they will disobey Allah without feeling anything and he will leave with the car she bought him and have no idea how he use to hide  it without anyone knowing.

The time Ahmad started treating Khadijah better is when Hauwa traveled abroad ,in the guise of being regretful he had led the poor girl on , deep inside he knows that he's wrong but Khadijah have nothing to offer him she's just a burden, because of his alliance with Hauwa he has millions of naira to call his own which his secondary school certificate will never afford him .In his subconscious it's Hauwa he truly love not Khadijah whatever he feel for her has passed and it's now a dim light something he will soon get rid of .Truth be told he miss her, he miss her presence in the house , her innocent look, the way she call him Ya Ahmad , her smile that make his day , wait ? What is he saying? She is someone he no longer love right? Then how can he miss her and her smile make his day ? Pffft he's dreaming it's Hauwa that he loves ,Hauwa isn't naive as that girl who made him rape her because she's so inexperienced and acting all innocent, he paid her dowry so it's not even a crime .She's a prized possession ,let her rot in her father's house but he's not going to divorce her,let heaven fall on earth .


Khadijah had never step out of the house since the day she came back from the hospital , there was a small glitter of hope at the back of her mind that maybe Ahmad will call her line but after a long while she changed her sim . she heard noise from the entrance of the house, knowing that it might be Baba coming back from the market ,she continued knitting the woolen socks she's trying to make for her unborn baby, the baby she wish with all her heart had never existed, but she made a promise that she will protect the child from it's father, she will do anything to keep her child  safe,with hot tears cascading down her cheeks ,she keep asking herself what went wrong ? What  has she done to deserve it ? The questions she will never get answers to by herself without Ahmad telling her.

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