Chapter 1

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Innsbruck, Austria

August 1765

I am to wear a gown of deep scarlet and sing and dance at my brother Leopold's wedding. He is to marry a Spanish, Princess Maria Luisa, a kind, unpretentious blue-eyed twenty-year-old beauty. My part in the wedding is exceptionally important and it will not be successful without me, I do say so myself. Not even Maria Carolina (we call her Charlotte, to ward off the bad luck from inheriting the name of a dead sister before her) will surpass me now.

Maria Luisa has come all the way from Spain by sea, as per Empress Mother's order. No one dares contradict her, for she has long overruled Emperor Father and controls everything that goes on in the palace. The bride to-be arrived a seasick, sopping mess and was made to see Empress Mother immediately. I heard she entered my empress mother's chambers cheerfully and exited quite subdued into her expected role of a loyal, filial wife.

Perhaps I will be treated the same when I marry in the future. But I shall not meet anyone in a sobbing heap-my Austrian upbringing will not allow that. I will extend my hand gracefully to my mother-in-law and say, "I am your equal, if not in status, then in terms of nobility and etiquette. I too, am the wife of one of your sons, and I will be no different from the other women whom have married your eldest and youngest." That'll put her right in place.

When the time for exchanging vows comes, I will kneel and bend my head so goddess-like before the altar that my people will cry out that an angel has descended upon them.

I am ten, due to be married within the next seven years. I am destined to be married off in the service of my country, the key in keeping perpetual peace between Austria and some other rich kingdom. My governess tells me to be thankful that God has called me into his duty and to not hope for more than being a mother and basking in the joy of having my children all gathered around me. I sit as maidenly as I can and pretend to listen demurely, while secretly I think that the old woman knows nothing, and I will never be treated like some mule to produce heirs. I shall be viewed as an equal, bear children not by duty but by choice, have everything and anything my heart desires and not be suppressed by anyone, not even the King himself. I shall make sure of that.


Empress Mother has a private meeting with Leopold before the wedding. My empress mother wants to make sure that Leopold is a loving spouse to Maria Luisa, and I nearly snort at that, but it is quite an unfeminine gesture, so I check myself in time. Leopold is such a cold, unforgiving creature-personally, I feel that no amount of lecturing will ever be able to change his attitude. He is quite unlike Emperor Father, who is jovial and friendly, even to my eldest brother Joseph's boring and unattractive wife Grand Duchess Maria Josepha. No one would ever take them for father and son when they are placed together. The contrast is too great- a smiling, benevolent monarch and a cool, stern prince. Among all my siblings, I think I am the least close to him.

Grand Duchess Maria (my empress mother decreed we simplify her title while speaking informally as my eldest sister shares the name Josepha) takes up the task of keeping Maria Luisa company. Joseph does not care much for his wife and hardly even speaks to her, so perhaps the princess sees another lost soul like hers worth comforting in Maria Luisa.

The two lonely women stand at the window speaking in hushed tones, and I, being curious, sneak closer for a listen although it is rude.

"Are you happy with your betrothal?" Grand Duchess Maria asks.

My soon-to-be sister-in-law wears a jewelled Spaniard veil which hides her lower face, but I think I can make out the barest hint of a smile from my place in the shadows.

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