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Aydan's POV
Today was the first day of school and i was NOT ready. Since Xander wrote what he wrote on my arm, I decided to wear this:

I put some eyeliner on, grabbed my bag and my phone, and went downstairs

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I put some eyeliner on, grabbed my bag and my phone, and went downstairs. I got downstairs and seen Xander eating Pocky Sticks. I snuck up behind him and stole some of them. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Xander practically yelled. "Eating Pock Sticks," I replied as if nothing happened. "I'll get you back," he replied with a slight smirk. "We'll see about that," I muttered.

After what seemed like forever, dad came down the stairs and asked, "Are you two ready?", "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied with a fake smile and a bit of sarcasm. "Well then, lets go," dad told me and my slightly annoying older brother.

We got in the car and my dad took us to school. When we got there, Xander and I went inside not knowing what we were doing in the odd building.

After about five minutes  someone came up to us. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. Suddenly something snapped. No. It can't be who I think it is! Theres no way!

Xander's POV
Oh my god the look on her face. It took me everything not to laugh. It was so funny!
Aydan's POV
"Hi, I'm Jake Paul. I couldn't help but to come over here. Are you new? You don't look fimilar," he said, but I was in to much shock to do say anything. Luckily Xander was there, "I'm Xander and this is my little sister, Aydan. Do you know where the office is?" Xander said. "Uhh, yes. Follow me." He replied.

He started to walk down the hallway while Xander and I were behind him. After what seemed like forever, we reached a small area which I'm guessing is the office. "Here it is," he said stopping and opening the door to the office. We went inside and got our schedules. My schedule said:
1. English
2. Math
3. History
4. Lunch
5. Science
6. P.E./Music
7. Spanish
8. Art

This actually wasn't a bad schedule for once. I smiled and went to my first class, leaving Xander and Jake behind.

I walked into my first class. Immediatly, I got weird looks from the students. I shook it off and sat down at a seat in the back of the room.

The teacher gave the students their assignment and told me that I could have free time. I was in my seat wheb my phone vibrated. I opened it up to see a message from my brother.

Xander: Hey
Aydan: WTF is wrong with you?!?! Im in the middle of class!
Xander: Srry. I got bored and I figured this is my only option besides dying of boredom.
Aydan: Well, unlike you. I don't want to get in trouble on my first day. Bye!

With that I shut my phone off and payed attention in class. My brother has never even tried to sucsseed in life. Even though he's only 16.


It's the end of the day. Xander and I are currently waiting to see my dad's white Ferarri. When he got here, I got in the passenger's seat leaving Xander to get in the back.

We got home, ate dinner, did our nightly routine, and went to bed.

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I lost my phone and my family is just dead annoying. Anyway Here is your NOW daily/weekly chapter. Enjoy!

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