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It's my second year at Hogwarts and already I've messed something up. I just bumped into Prof. Snape! It's not like he's frightening or anything, but he can be very mean sometimes. "Excuse me Professor! It was an accident!" I exclaimed, rushing to pick up the book I'd dropped. I'd gotten lost in its pages and had forgotten to look where I was going every so often.

He scowled down at my small form," I do hope you're not this clumsy in your teaching as well." At least his words weren't super cruel this time.

I shook my head as I stared up at him," never in a million years, sir. It's just that I was given a new book for this past Christmas and had just now gotten around to reading it." I stopped my rambling immediately," anyway, I'm sorry I bumped into you. I'll try not to do it again. Good day."

I left him standing there in the hallway, my heels clicking as I went along. It's a good thing I left when I did, I'd have been late for the feast otherwise. I already look like a student, being late wouldn't exactly have helped.

The doors to the Great Hall swung open and in came the nervous first year's. I smile, hoping to be able to pick out one of the Hufflepuffs that'll be joining us this year. I've always been good at guessing houses, even when I didn't know my own. Prof. Sprout sees right through my excitement," tell me Erika, which ones will be joining our ranks today?"

I giggled, letting some my Scottish accent loose," well, there's a lass in the very back who looks to be caring." We watched her help another boy up from the floor. "Very kind indeed."

I continued," there's an adorable young lady standing in the middle that looks to be a good fit as well. No telling if I'm going to be right, though."

"Poppycock, you've never been wrong before!" My old teacher hit me playfully on my shoulder.

"If you say so. The one thing I do know for sure is that my little brother, Ivar, will most definitely be joining the Gryffindors." We hushed our gossiping as Minerva began calling out the names of the students. All was going well until the infamous Harry Potter's name was called. The dark-haired lad slowly took his place on the stool. The hat took quite a while to place him, but was justified when it called out," Gryffindor!" I clapped lazily, waiting for when the time came for us to eat.

After the food was served, I swept my eyes across the room. It seems that both of the students I'd pointed out had been placed in Hufflepuff. I finished my meal quickly, sitting back in my chair and conversing with Pomona.

Third Person...

The Golden boy looked up from his food to see a beautiful maiden sitting among the other teachers. He turned to Percy with a question," hey Percy?"


"Who's that lady? The one sitting on the far left of Prof. McGonagall." He gestured toward the brunette, trying not to garner any attention.

"Oh her, that's Prof. Mackenzie. She started working here around last year. Came straight out of school, she did. Youngest teacher to join the staff in a long time." The boy explained, taking a bite out of his food.

Back with Erika..

As the prefects led their students off to the dorms, I took a shortcut. By the time the students had gotten there, I was pleasantly reading my book in a comfy chair. Ernie Macmillan, the current Prefect greeted me with a smile," good evening Prof. Mackenzie."

I looked up from my novel," good evening, Mr. Macmillan. Are the first years behaving?"

He nodded," most of them are doing just fine."

"Most of them? We have a troublemaker in our midst then?"

"A pair of twins thought it'd be funny to go against Prof. Snape on their first day. They're in detention now."

"I see. I had better go rescue them then, shouldn't I?"

"It's probably for the best." We said our goodbyes and I rushed down to the dungeons. I reached Snape's door and gave a sound knock. The man in drapes opened it, his usual scowl fixed upon his face.

His eyebrow rose high on his head," did you need something, Professor?"

"Aye, I heard you'd captured a few of me newest protigés. I've come to rescue them." I smiled, ignoring his sour tone.

"Are you sure you weren't sorted into the wrong house? Saving people is something a Gryffindor would do." His tone was filled with hatred as he said the house's name.

I shook my head," I may be a member of the so-called mediocre house, but I'm still proud of it. My sorting was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now if you wouldn't mind moving so I can interrogate my own students?"

He stepped out of the way. I waltzed into the classroom and found the boy and girl I'd seen from earlier. I pulled a chair up in front of them and sat down. "So... what'd you do?"

"We told him about some of the nicknames our older siblings had given him." The boy giggled.

"Oh really? What kind of names?" I rested my chin in my hands, awaiting an answer.

"Our sister called him a curtain rack," I covered my smile. The boy continued," an old nan with a love for Filch." A giggle escaped. The girl ended it," she even called him Dumbledore's handmaiden." I nearly let my laughter escape me then.

I straightened my posture and wiped the smile from my face," well children, I think it was very rude of you to say such things to Prof. Snape. It would be in your very best interests to apologize. Now." I ordered, the authority in my voice shocking the twins.

They both stood up in unison, looking toward their Potions teacher. "We're sorry we called you names, Professor." Snape stayed silent as they apologized.

"Now, I want you to go to the kitchens and have the House Elves let you into the common room. I have to stay and have a conversation with the professor." The two nodded, leaving me alone with the dungeon bat.

The older man stood tall as he spoke to me," what is it you wished to discuss Ms. Mackenzie?"

"Detention. I'd like the twins excused, if it's not too much trouble." I smoothed out my dress, standing to my short height of five, four.

Snape eyed me carefully," did your blatant amusement give rise to such a request?"

"No, sir. I do see why you would take offense to such names, though. If you were in my position then you'd probably find them funny too. Unfortunately, I still need them excused." 

The pale man crossed his arms," for what reason?"

I stood my ground," it's only the first day, Severus." His brows furrowed when I used his first name. I continued," they didn't mean anything by it. They can learn from their mistakes without a dungeon punishment this time, can't they?"

"You, of all people, should know that I don't give leeway." 

With a sigh, I gave up," alright, Professor. You've defeated me." I saw the corner of his lips curve up just slightly into a smirk. His victory was crushed quickly," I'll serve detention in their place." He looked pained for a second. 

"Excuse me," he said in a questioning tone.

"Did you not hear me? I said I'd be serving their detention for them."

"I will not allow this. Those two dunderheads must pay for their rudeness. You covering for them is not acceptable." He told me in a stern tone of voice.

This time I really gave up," fine then, if you're so sure about them being punished then they will serve detention with me. Eighty lines per insult sound good enough to you?"

He nodded," do as you wish as long as the children are punished and you aren't pestering me like a fly."

"Will do! Have a wonderful rest of your evening, Prof. Snape! Do sleep well, the dark circles under your eyes seem to be growing as of late," I left quickly, awaiting no answer. It was then that I went back to my quarters to rest, excited for the day to come.

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