Chapter 2

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Calli had dressed in a lovely aqua blue dress. It was Friday. The day she was going out with Gabe. Of course her other friends and schoolmates would be there too. In her bedroom mirror she admired herself, then went down the steps to the first floor of her unit.

"I gotta go mom!" She shouted grabbing her coat and headed towards the front door.

"Ok have fun dear!" Her mother shouted from the laundry room.

She had waved goodbye and closed the door.

She strode down the street, looking at all the houses that looked quite alike.

She finally arrived at the school.

Many lights and sounds filled the air. But they were muffled. When she went inside though, the shouts were loud and clear. There were tons of 13's dancing and a few sneaking snacks from the snack bar. Se giggled to herself and watched the many familiar people. She looked around for her friends and her "Date" Gabe.

"Calli!" A familiar voice nearby shouted.

Suddenly, her best friend, Marlee, ran right into her purposely, squeezing her to death.

"I was looking all over for you!" She exclaimed.

I examined my friend, then. Her hair was in a ponytail as usual. She had a ruby red dress on and bright red lipstick.

"You seen Gabe?" I asked her questioningly.

"Oh yeah! He told me to tell you that he wanted you to meet him by the basketball courts. She pointed to where the b-ball courts were.

"Ok thanks Marls!" I thanked her and went off to go see my date.

As I got closer I heard a shout that sounded like a cry. I also heard some boys laughing. My eyes widened as I ran the rest of the way over.

She arrived to see a group of boys surrounding something. She ran over to see Gabe, just as he was punched in the face. She shoved a few boys and stood in between the guy and Gabe.

"Hey pick on someone your own size!" She shouted to the boy.

The boy smirked and crossed his arms. "Oh...the little girl thinks she can help her man!" He spat.

She grew angry and balled her fists. Suddenly, she punched him in the face, letting her anger out.

The boy stumbled into a few of the boys. "L-let's get outta here!" He shouted to the group and they fled, frightened.

She turned to Gabe and held out a hand for him.

He gladly took it and stood up. "Thanks Calli!" He exclaimed happily and brushed off his clothes.

"Hey, no problem!" She chuckled and crossed her arms proudly.

"Well we should probably get back to the party." He laughed and pointed to the doors.

"Yeah, let's get going." She agreed and started back towards the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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