The drive

315 6 3

Harley:get in I'll start it up


Harley:lets go

2 hours later

Ellie:Harley it's 6:00 am your parents are awake

Harley:your right we need to head back

Ellie:how are we gonna get in

Harley:we will see when we get there

Ellie:well we need to hurry before they figure out the car is gone and that we are two

Harley:stop panicking we are gonna dont this Harley way


7 minutes later

Harley:get out you go to the back and make sure they are not in the kitchen and ill check the frount



Ellie:no clear

Harley:oh no that means we have to extra quick to get up the stairs

Ellie: right

(Guys I'm takeing a break brb to finish this)

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