Short Bio

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(Picture is not mine. And this bio is mostly here to keep me on track of my character. You don't need to read it)

Name: Alastair Mel
Nickname: Alas, Brat
Gender: male
Age: 20
Blood Type: B
DOB- January 5
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: single
Sexual position: prefers bottom, but will top
Religion: Pagan
Hair: short, deep brown
Eye color: 'brown', but is actually Gray/silver
Weight: 100 pounds
Height: 6 foot
Scars: all over his body from his family, wrist and thighs, a sensitive one on his neck and over his mouth from himself
Piercing(s):  none
Tattoos: none
Clothing: a scarf/mask uses to cover the scar on his mouth and neck
Glasses/contacts: brown contacts to cover his eyes
Skin Tone: pale
voice: thick British accent
Before you know him: evil, not loyal, murderous, sly, cold hearted, cocky, arrogant, argumentative
Once you know him: basically a giant puppy dog, loving, caring, protective as fuck, very cuddly, broken, insecure
Likes: night time, winter, animals, outside
Dislikes: almost everyone else in the prison, hunters, his family
Stability: not mentally stable
Disorder(s): depression, anxiety
Diseases: none
Fears: not being good enough, shots, spiders
Parents: Assholes, dead
Siblings: all dead
Birth place: London
Current residence: Melic prison
Color: crimson, silver
Animal: wolf, fox
Food: anything meat
Music Genre: country
Backstory: he was tortured by his parents still he was 18 and snapped, and killed them

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