Bringing himself up, he pulled her down into his arms, but said nothing as she quietly relaxed against him.  "Can we please stop fighting Jie?  I don't want to fight anymore." she whispered against him as he stroked her hair gently.

There were so many questions he wanted answers to.  How did she master all three routines that no one in the Immortal world, other than himself had come even close to, then to teach them perfectly to their daughter?  Why did it feel as if Meili had suddenly forgotten everything from the day before when the Mortal Realm held no such tonic to erase memories, which he highly suspected she may have given both children, even Tai had acted as if nothing untoward had happened only yesterday? Even the tonic she had used to heal his burned hand was not one to be found in this world. 

 And then there was the Zither and Luminous Pearl, which thinking about it now, they were nowhere to be seen, had she hidden them?  The highly unusual disappearance of her family and a marriage arrangement that had once brought her to tears.  Not to mention her odd choice of books and music that no one in this world read or listened to, in fact they were much more common in the Immortal World.  But the most perplexing oddity he had ever witnessed was her instant change in demeanor when they were arguing.  She had suddenly become a completely different person and as he had watched the change, he also saw the struggle she was going through to keep it under control, she had literally forced herself to take on a weaker and less intimidating demeanor, one she knew he would react to in her favor.

There were so many instances that now began to make sense but needing verification that only she could give him, he had no idea where to go with it.  But her pitiful cry for peace suddenly saw them all disappear from his mind, as her tears once again began to rain down her cheeks.

"Jie, can we not just be happy with what we have?" she asked softly against him, a question he fully understood.  It was her way of saying to forget what had occurred and to let it go, whatever his thoughts were, to release them and live in the moment.  To Jie, it was almost an admission and one that shook him.

Taking a deep breath, he released it slowly as he lowered his head to rest it lightly on top of hers.  If she had a past she did not want to share, then so be it, he would accept it, after all he too was hiding a past of his own.  She was here now, had always been by his side, and they had children to consider, there was nothing more important than right now.  


"What do we do? Do we tell them?" Bai Zhen asked stunned but laughing hysterically at a story so ridiculous he could barely believe it.  "Not even a Mortal Realm story could come up with a plot as great as this one!"  he snorted loudly.

"I can't believe neither of them have caught on?" Zhe Yan roared, as tears rolled down his cheeks.  

"Zhe Yan!" Bai Zhen roared over him.  "What do we do?" he asked holding onto his stomach with hand and Zhe Yans arm with the other.

"Alright, Alright, let me think." he said stifling back another round of hysterical laughter.  

Still behind their barrier, both men sat heavily on the ground to think about the odd situation they had just walked into between giggles and snorts, trying to reach some kind of solution to the dilemma their best friend and sister had found themselves in.

"If we tell them, can you imagine the uproar Bai Qian will cause?  She wants that Dragon hauled over hot coals, we can't afford for her to know Mo Yuan is the Dragon she hates so much." Zhe Yan said.  "At least not yet, once they're married it won't matter too much, there are no annulment laws she can turn to because he had to rid both worlds of the Golden Lion, she would not have a leg to stand on." 

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