
11 0 0

It's 11:30 at night and I'm sat on my bed drinking tea

Because it makes me feel like a part of you is with me

And that's comforting

It takes me away from the miserable nights

And brings me to the happy days

Where I'm sat in my living room with my head

On your shoulder and you head resting on mine

Watching Adventure Time and talking about the dumbest of things

Pointing out that no one in the land of Ooo seems to be able to count

Past six, because of that one time where there happened to be

7 Princesses trapped in the ice kings lair

But everyone said there was six.

Or how if you put your arm in the way of my dog

He will force himself under it in order to feel loved.

It takes me to the evenings we spend talking

About the most ridiculous of things

Like how cuddling is 'rare'

(Even though we both know it's not)

Or the fact that on occasion I say poetic things

And the fact that we're polar opposites

But it makes for great conversation.

It's 11:30 at night and I'm sat on my bed drinking tea

Wishing you were here with me. 

a collection of poems, that will suck.Where stories live. Discover now