Chapter 1

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A desolate wasteland of nothing but ashes and forgotten dreams.

Burnt to the ground back in 2050 in hopes of killing those- those things- but sadly ended catastrophically.

Many thought it was just a little cold, nothing more than a small fever and a cough.

 They were sadly wrong. Soon after making you forget your whole life in an instant, it turned you into a ravenous cannibal.

Mama’s voice still rings in my head, telling me, ‘The CDC will contain this ‘thing’. Bruce is no longer in pain, and I know his loss wrecked you. We will get through this.’

She lied.

Soon after she died, it was just me, and I learned that I can’t stay around this musty old house I grew up in.

Soon they will find me.

After grabbing my M4A1 off the table, I packed a small backpack: some Slim Jims from the rotting pantry, whatever was left of the candy- which wasn’t much- and some tampons. There’s only 2 left, I thought to myself. I made a mental note to go ransack some old houses and grab what I can.

I turned around, and on that rattan couch, I saw it.

Bruce’s old teddy bear.

Before I realized it, I was in a heap on the floor, crying.

Why him, I thought to myself. He was perfect. Beach-blown brown hair, and the sweetest little brother I could have ever asked for. And those eyes. Such a mesmerizing green. Every time I stared into them, I lost myself in my own thoughts.

After gathering myself together, I sat back up. Slowly got back on my feet. I grabbed Bruce’s teddy bear and shoved into my backpack. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the 2 cases of ammo I had left. I saw a box of matches from Reed’s General Store and grabbed those too. Closing the front door behind me, I stared out into the wasteland I used to call home. Now its home to ravenous man-eating beasts who will stop at nothing to kill you.

Readying my gun, I stepped out.

Goodbye, home.

Goodbye, Mama.

Goodbye, Bruce.

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