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~Taylors POV~

Today I felt free. At least for about 10 minutes I will feel this way until Justin gets home ugh. We used to be the best couple ever there was no acting or faking about it. When my parents died that all changed. His eyes changed from a light creamy brown that I could get lost in and look at for 24/7 and see his love for me to a dark brown where when I look into his eyes I see anger and no love at all. They make me want to look away better yet not even look at them. My parents died in a car crash and the driver that killed them ran away. It was a hit and run. I still never found out who they were. Anyway like I said...I feel free right now. Something that NEVER happens anymore. I was just walking listening to the birds chirp and sing their song. My blue sundress flowing behind me from the wind. My light curly hair flowing behind me just like my dress. I look up from the ground and see Justin driving my way. I roll my eyes knowing my time being free is over. He stops and points to the passenger seat commanding me to get in not even saying hi or hey Taylor come on into the car just a motion with his hand. I open the door and get in making sure my dress is in too. Justin takes off and doesn't say a word so I decide to break the silence.

"Um hi Justin"


I just look at him in shock but then again this always happens. I lay my head back on to the comfy leather head rest and close my eyes but I am awaken by my phone (which im not aloud to have) rings. COULD THNGS GET ANY WORSE HES PISSED AT ME ALREADY FOR SOME REASON I DONT KNOW AND NOW MY FUCKING PHONE RINGS. God hes going to kill me when we get home.  He looks at me mad I check the caller ID and see its my best friend Chloe. I look at Justin. He rolls his eyes and nods saying I can pick it up.


T: Hey sunshine

C: Hey Tay you busy today?

T: Um I..I don't know let me ask Justin (NO ONE KNOWS HE HURTS ME EVERYONE THINKS HE LOVES ME)

I cover the mic and look at Justin.

"Um are we busy today or can I go to my friends for a little. He rolls his eyes "I don't fucking care but your getting beat tonight so don't stay all night" He responds mad. I tear up and uncover the mic.

T: No im not busy. You wanting to hang?

C: duh girl I haven't seen you in ages.

T: you saw me yesterday *giggles*


T: *Giggles* ok ill see you in a bit boo. Justin is gonna drop me off.

C: ok girly Byeeeee

T: aha bye sis


I look at Justin concerned. He doesn't look at me once he just keeps his eyes on the road.

*Skip drive*

I get out and thank Justin but he speeds away before I can say you. I look down scared about my punishment but shake it off and knock on Chloe's door. She opens it and I see Kyle who is her boyfriend and basically my big brother. I hug Chloe and then run to Kyle who was on the couch. I hug him tightly and yell.


He chuckles and hugs me back.

"Wassup sis"

"Not much"

I look at Chloe who was in her kitchen making snacks for us. She brings some dry Coco puffs over in a blue bowl. I look at her like shes crazy.

"Do you not have chips" I ask giggling

"nah this is better"

Kyle laughs and grabs a handful. I grab three and throw them into the air and catch all but one. I laugh and watch Twilight with them.

*After the movie*

I yawn and look at the clock above the tv and see it reads '11:35' FUCK I got to get home Justin is gonna kill me. I look at Chloe who is fast asleep and look at Kyle who is next to me on his phone.

"Kyle I got to go Justin is gonna worry about me.(AHA that was a lie he don't care) Can you tell Chloe that I had to go and thank you?" I ask whispering.

"yea yea sure go sis, you want me to drive you over there" He asks. It would be what I prefer but if Justin saw him A GUY taking me home he would flip and the beating would be MUCH worse.

"Um no thanks but ill be fine you go sleep with Chloe" I kiss his cheek and wave bye as I step out the door I see Justin at the front step.

"WHERE YOU TRYING TO HIDE" He asks whisper yelling.

" never" I stutter scared. I cant remember the last time I could look at Justin and not stutter or be scared as fuck.

"Yes you were don't play dumb with me" He drags me by my hair to the side of Chloes house and punches me in my face two times and kicks my stomach 5 times I cry and cry until I hear Chloes door open.

"Taylor you out here? You ok?" I hear Kyle ask. Justin covers my mouth and looks me in the eyes. "don't say a word" Justin whispers to me. I nod and Kyle walks inside. Justin slaps me and my head hits the brick wall and I pass out.

*Next morning*

I wake up dizzy and with a headache. I look and see im in me and Justin's bed. Oh the joy! (note the sarcasm) I get up and walk to my closet to get new clothes to wear I grab my gray skinny jeans and a purple belly shirt that says 'WERK.' I go to my underwear drawer and see he put thongs in it instead of my underwear. I AM NOT YOUR SEX TOY JUSTIN I whisper to myself.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY" I hear Justin yell.

Oh shit I think I said that out loud im fucked!



Is it love or hate (Justin Bieber love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя