The End

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Last chapter! Thanks for reading :)

It's been one year and seven months since Harry remembered who I was.

11 months since Niall and Vanessa were married. 4 months since Harry and I were married. 6 months since my mother lost her battle with lupus.

And 4 hours since Harry passed out in the middle of lunch at a restaurant. Nobody knew why. We were all pacing around the waiting room. Anne occasionally coming up and hugging me. Everything was spinning and I was so sick of hospitals, and death. The doctor who was maybe in his 60s and a little bit rude, came out after 5 hours. I let Anne go up and talk to him. She was so sweet, unlike me and I really didn't want to fight with the doctor. I saw Anne's shoulders collapse as her whole body shook. Gemma turned and looked at me. "He didn't make it Ab." She said with sorrow filled eyes and I shouted much louder than I should have. "That doesn't fucking make sense he was fine this morning. You're wrong you're fucking wrong!" I said pointing at the doctor and I was dizzy and looked around at everyone around me. Liam was crying into Anna. Zayn into Perrie. Louis into Eleanour. Niall into Vanessa. Gemma into Des. And Anne into Robin. Everyone had someone to hold them while they sobbed and where was my someone? Laying on a cold metal table waiting for us to confirm the body. I followed the doctor and Anne to the window. They slowly began to lift up the blind, and slowly I started to make out Harry's tattoos on his pale white body. His lips, already purple. I turned and walked as fast as I could back to the waiting room. Once there I lost my breath and fell to my knees. I folded up into a little ball and sobbed into my hands. This wasn't fair. I know this is selfish but why me? All my life has been lately is tragedy after tragedy. I felt someone pull me to my feet and into their chest, it was Liam. I let out a sob. It seemed like we were there for hours. We all made our way to mine and Harry's house. People were there constantly dropping off food, flowers, and hugs. By the end of the night Anne and Gemma went home, along with the girlfriends and it was just the boys, Vanessa and I. I didn't even want to talk. I just trudged slowly up my stairs into my room. I went to the dirty clothes hamper and pulled out Harry's tshirt and sweatpants from yesterday and crawled into the oversized unmade bed. I laid on Harry's side of the bed, anything to feel closer to him. I pulled out my iPhone and opened twitter after reading all of Harry's tweets a tweet from 1DHQ came through. "We regret to inform you that earlier today we lost Harry from issues pertaining to the car accident he was in 2 years ago. RIP H." Within minutes tweets came through about Harry. Everyone was devestated over the death of Harry and within an hour #ripharry was trending on twitter. People kept tweeting me asking me how I was. I through my phone across the room and rolled over in an attempt to sleep. But I couldn't. The looming pain in my chest kept me awake. The realization that I would never wake up to those green eyes looking at me again, or to Harry placing small kisses along my jaw line. I would never get to laugh at his stupid jokes again. I would never have a future with Harry like we talked about every day. It's me against the world I guess, and the world is winning. I stayed in bed the entire next day watching videos of Harry. I didn't eat or drink and nobody bothered me. The next day I came downstairs. Still in Harry's clothes. I was greeted with many hugs. "So the calling hours are tomorrow from 12-? There will probably be a lot of people here. We asked fans not to come, but they still might. The funeral is Sunday morning at 10." Liam informed me and I looked around from face to face and saw the sadness in their eyes. I chewed on a couple crackers before I made my way back upstairs. I decided to just type. I opened my computer and I typed and typed until Vanessa knocked on my door the next day to wake me up. I walked to the bathroom and showered. Not wanting to remove myself from Harry's clothes. I climbed out of the shower and pulled on panties and a bra followed by black stockings and a form fitting black dress. I went to Harry's closet and took a black suit coat and pulled it and rolled up the sleeves. I needed a piece of him with me. I put on my black stilettos and pulled my hair into a tight sock bun. I looked in the Mirror and my eyes were red and swollen and I has large black circles under them. I put on a touch of mascara and eyeliner and some red lipstick. Back in the bedroom I opened the bag of Harry's belongings and put on his cross, and airplane necklaces. Along with a copy of the letter I wrote him he always kept in his wallet. I made my way down stairs where everyone was ready. I faked my best smile and followed everyone to the car. Once in the car Vanessa and Niall tried to make small talk and I just wasn't in the mood for that. The calling hours dragged by and countless people I didn't know hugged me tight. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry's body the entire day. When it was time to leave I walked to the casket and placed the letter in Harry's hands and placed a small kiss on his cheek. I left and went home and back to typing until it was time for the funeral. The funeral was awful. And when it was finally over I couldn't stomach being in our bedroom anymore so I spent the majority of my time in the fireplace room. Everyone went home and it was just me in this giant house. Vanessa checked on me everyday and I faked being okay for her sake.

I spent 72 days typing my book and when I finally made it into books I had 9 to deliver. Before I did that I made my way to shower I put on a nice red dress and heels. I grabbed the books and made my way around. First I stopped at Liam and Anna's. I handed them each a book. "Please read this." I said and hugged them each for the last time. I made my way around and at Vanessa's I made her promise she'd read the whole thing now. I went to the liquor store next and bought a bottle of vodka. I stopped at the cemetery next and gave Harry a book. I went back home and up into my bedroom. I scrolled through tumblr as I took pill after pill with a sip of vodka with each one. I cried as Harry was constantly on my dashboard and I wrapped myself tighter into his clothes. 37 pills and half a bottle of vodka later and the room was spinning. I had 13 more pills to take and I downed them and the rest of the bottle and the room went black.

Vanessa's POV

"This was my story. Life isn't fair I guess and I have nothing to live for anymore. I'm sorry I'm leaving you. I can't fight my demons anymore. They've become my friends and they're pulling me away. They're taking me to Harry, to Darcy, to my mom. I'm finally free. Do whatever you want with this book, it's yours.

Lay me next to Harry."

I closed the book with tears in my eyes, I think Niall finished the book as well. I grabbed his hand and ran to the car, we sped to Abby's house and up to her room. There lying on the bed was Abby. Niall walked to her and placed his fingers to her neck. He turned to me.

"She's gone."

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