Chapter 1:My birth

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I was born in the saddest day  saddest day ever 9/11 but not the year i was born in 2004. When I grew up a littel bit  bigger(around to 2 or 3)  I can only remember a little bit but I went to live in CA (California) and I still didn't know what we were don't there but I might have had a great time. But then later we moved to Minnesota. When I was still small I could only remember that it was sunny day and i thought it was gonna be better. But I was wrong. Moving to a few years later I my parent's told me I had a brother. Now I dont want to say his name because he might get mad a at me. So when I grew up he was nice but now he is rude and grimpy. But a long time ago he was nice and we ha d a great time and we live in a big house. The house was too big we let our cousins move in. But when one day something terrible happened to me.

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