Chapter Three

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"Okay, Addy, I have to get back to work or Glassman will have my ass

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"Okay, Addy, I have to get back to work or Glassman will have my ass." I told my sister. "Okay, Ally, see you tonight. I love you." She said. "I love you, too, Addy. Bye." I smiled and hung up. I put my phone back into my pocket. "Good morning, Allison. How was your night?" Shaun asked. Thinking back to last night's events, I smiled. "It was great. I had fun with Alex. I heard you saved Martine last night." I smiled. He nodded. "You noticed something no one else did." I smiled as Melendez, Claire, and Jared came up to us. "Murphy and Claire, there is a helicopter on the roof waiting for you two to get a liver for Chuck." He said. Shaun just simply nodded and walked away. Claire lingered a bit before leaving. "What's with the scut work?" I asked. "That's none of your business." Melendez spoke. I scoffed and walked towards the maternity ward. The sound of crying babies warmed my heart. Where I work, I save lives and a bring lives into the world.
(Melendez's POV)
I stood in the ER waiting for an ambulance that said it was about three minutes away. "Female. 23. Addison Verbeck..." I heard from behind. I turned around and rushed over to the stretcher. "What happened to her?" "Electrocution. She was working on a motor for a new rocket and she tried to fix something and the entire room lit up bright blue and there Addison was lying on the floor unconscious and not breathing. We did CPR until the paramedics got there." Who I assume was Addy's colleague said. "Okay, thank you." I rushed over to get defibrillators. I brought them back and placed them on her chest. I called out the charges as her chest jumped up from the shock. I still heard the flatline. "I'm calling it. Time of death," I looked at my watch. "8:30am, 4/15/18." I said. I sighed and looked down at my co-workers dead sister. "Someone page Dr. Allison Verbeck." I ordered.
(Allison's POV)
I was filling out a birth certificate when I was paged to the ER. I made my way to the ER, ready to help someone. "Allison. I need to see you in my office for a moment." Neil said. I followed him across the hall and walked into his office. "What's going on?" I asked. "There was an accident involving Addison. I'm sorry, but she didn't make it." Neil told me. That's when my world crashed at my feet. I felt the tears fill my eyes and fall down my cheeks. I hand covered my mouth to trap in a sob that desperately wanted to get out but it was no use. I felt my knees go weak but I never I hit the floor. I looked to see that Neil had caught me. "I am so sorry, Allison." He whispered. "Someone's got to tell Shaun. I got to tell Shaun." I rambled. "Allison, Dr. Brown and Dr. Kalu already told him. He was pretty upset. He went home. Which is where you should go, too. Take a few days off." Neil told me. I nodded and walked out of his office. I went straight to the locker room and changed. Then I left San Jose St Bonaventure Hospital in my car. I sure as hell wasn't going home so I went to the bar beside my apartment complex.
I was about 3 shots of tequila in when my next door neighbor and trusted friend, Lea, showed up. "Hey, Ally." Lea smiled as she sat down. "Hey, Lea. What are you drinking to tonight?" I asked. "I got a new job. You?" She asked. "In remembrance of my sister. May she Rest In Peace." I sighed and threw back two more shots of tequila. "Sorry for your loss." Lea said. "Thank you. Congratulations on your job." I smiled. "Thank you." Lea smiled and ordered a few more shots.
"Come on, Ally. Just a few more steps." Lea told me as I stumbled down the hall to my apartment. "Okay, you really are in no shape to be alone tonight so just wait here and I'll go get Shaun." Lea told me. I nodded and slid down the wall. She knocked on Shaun's door and he immediately opened it. Almost as if he was standing right there. Lea explained the situation to him and he looked at me. Lea walked over to me and helped me up. "Be patient with her, she's heavily intoxicated." Lea told Shaun. "Okay." He said and pulled me into his apartment. He walked me over to the couch and sat me down on it. "I need to sleep for about three days." I groaned. "You shouldn't have gotten drunk, Allison." Shaun told me, handing me a glass of water. "Yeah, well, thats what people do when they are upset, Shaun. They drink and drink and drink until they can't think or speak clearly. Addy was the only person I had left. My dad is off God knows where, my mom is dead, I have no one." I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. "That is not true. You have me." He told me. "Thank you Shaun." I smiled. "You're my best friend, Alison. You will always have me." Shaun told me as he sat down beside me.

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