I lowered it back down, "I said... No." I could tell that he was getting frustrated. That's exactly what I wanted.

He stepped back and took a deep breath, "Nola. Take it off."


"If you don't do it, I will do it for you." He mumbled.

I crossed my arms, "I'd like to see you TRY." In one swift move, I was on the couch and he was on top of me.

No more role-play I guess.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs, he placed my arms behind my back and put them on me. I didn't even have time to react.

Without saying a word, he got up and went over to a drawer. When he turned around, I saw the scissors in his hand. "I wouldn't have done this if you listened to me." He said shaking his head. 

He walked back over to me and cut off my shirt, along with my bra.

"You're paying for that," I said quietly.

"What? Say it again?" I shook my head. "Good."

He got on his knees and snatched my underwear and pants off in one move. I closed my legs tightly and smirked at him, "You think I'm giving up that quick?"

"Nola. I swear to God if you don't open your fucking legs..." Honestly I loved when he got like this. And no, this isn't Jah. It's definitely Jahseh.

"N--" I couldn't even finish the word before he pried my legs open.

"I don't understand why you have to be so difficult." He said going down.

He laid a kiss between my thighs halfway down. "But since you want to play games with me.. I'll play too." Let me tell you right now that when Jahseh teases you, he REALLY teases you. He plays around so much that it hurts.

He went up higher and kissed again, slowly. He was taking his time and it was killing me. 

He looked up at me once he started getting closer. Right when he was about to get there, he went to my other leg and started kissing downwards. I frowned and he smiled. "Okay, okay. Jahseh I'm sorry!"

"Sorry doesn't do it." He whispered. When he got down to my knee, he licked upwards very slowly. I bit my bottom lip to keep everything concealed. "How bad do you want it?"

"A lot Jahseh. Please stop teasing me." I whimpered. 

It felt like it was a waterfall down there and I'm not even exaggerating. 

He ran his hand up my thighs and traced the outline of area. I really wished these handcuffs weren't on right now.

All of a sudden he stood up and grabbed the key out his pocked. "Okay. I stopped. You might want to choose your words wisely next time." 

My mouth hung open while he reached behind me and took the handcuffs off. Ass soon as he did that, I pulled him down onto the couch with me and started kissing him very ferociously.

I was in a rush to get his button down shirt off so that's the first thing I did. We only broke away for a second so he could fully take his shirt off. 

He put one arm around my waist to pull my closer and used the other one to hold the back of my head. I reached down to unzip his pants but he stopped me and pulled away.

"Wait... Nola I hear keys. I think Mama Lo came back home." He said trying to catch his breathe.

"And I think you're hearing things. I didn't hear anything." I said, bringing him back down.

Just then, the door opened and Jahseh jumped off, throwing his shirt over me.

I wasn't super big but it was big enough to cover the parts i didn't want my mama to see. I put me head in my hands. 3....2.....

"Oh HELL no!" She yelled. "I tell yawl not to have sex, which you probably don't listen to anyways.. But you're doing this shit on my fucking couch!?" 

Jahseh stood up. "It's my fault. I'm REALLY sorry."

"Well you better stay your sorry ass in here while I go talk to my daughter." She said stomping towards her room.

Jahseh couldn't help but laugh, "You about to get ittttt."

"Shut up." I said while putting my clothes back on. I put his shirt on though, since mines was all cut up.

I made my way to her room and shut the door behind me and she stood right in front of me.

"Okay so I understand that yawl 'date' and whatever but, you can't just do that! Especially not on my couch. You should've known better." I didn't say anything. "How many times have yawl fucked?"

I thought for a second, "More than 5..."

She sighed, "And in ANY of those times, did you use protection?" I still didn't say anything. "Nola do you know what would happen if you get pregnant?! People will look at you weird, it'll be all over the news--"

"I don't care what anyone thinks! What if I wanted to get pregnant huh? You're so fucking worried about what people are saying but I don't care! If I had a baby, you wouldn't be ab;e to do anything about it! I'm old enough! Stop telling what I can and can not do!"

Then she slapped me. Right then and there on the cheek. The tears stung my eyes, she had never hit me before.

"I'm so tired of you talking to me like that. You are only 17. You're not even an adult yet but that doesn't even matter. I am your mother, not your fucking friend. Don't you EVER think about talking to my like that again. Do you understand?" She asked, I could hear the anger in her voice.

I didn't say anything.

"I said do you understand Nola!?" She yelled.

"Yes," I cried. I stood back up and walked out the room. Jahseh was standing right there.

He hugged me tight, "You okay?" I shook my head and cried into his shoulder. "You need to stop disrespecting your mama. She does so much for you. Shes a single parent so she has to par for everything by herself. She has to take care of you by herself. You're lucky to even have a mama, because many people don't."

I wasn't even crying because she hit me. I was crying because I knew he was right.


If I wrote a story that had nothing to do with XXXTentacion/Members Only who and what should it be about?

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