Primary Logic

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Annalee's POV:

I stared at the pale grey wall, its every nook and cranny ingrained in my memory. The cold, damp floor which sat underneath me seemed to tremble.

"Guards," I breathed harshly.

As if perfectly on time, footsteps began to make their way towards me, the silent screaming of the floor and echoing walls following near behind. There was a clicking noise, similar to that of a gun being loaded. To my relief, it was only the unlocking of the cell.

"Up. Now." The guard's booming voice caused the room to shake with life.

Weakly standing to my feet, I stumbled onto the antique cot in which I was supposed to sleep on. Slipping on my shoes, I hopped out towards the doorway. It's rare for them to let me out, so what's the occasion? I thought, blindly trailing behind the guard. As we turned a corner, I noticed a different aura emitting from the guard. I stomached the feeling and continued to stride down the dark corridors.

"Is that her?" A voice asked. I immediately began to question everything I was doing.

Why did I follow the guard?

Who was that?

What are they going to do?

How do they know me?

My questions were interrupted by another message from the voice. "Can we hear from her then?" The voice asked, with an annoyed tone. I arched my eyebrow, instinctively stepping backwards.

"We will send her out immediately," the guard replied, speaking as if I wasn't standing right next to him. He motioned for me to follow so I cautiously tailed behind. Waving his hand to a vehicle, the guard waited for a person to erupt from it. When one did, he pointed towards me. From far away, I couldn't tell, but I realized it when the person got closer.

It was a boy. A young boy.

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