It all started with betrayers...

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4 minutes. Just a difference of 4 minutes between me and Andrea, we are twins but just the opposite of each other. While I am the bookish worm; she is the school's most popular girl and a cheerleader (a quality which uplifts her charm of popularity).
Well, all of the guys in our school are totally in love with her because of her looks! I mean seriously, we are twins , we look alike. Duh! No one understands that too.
Anyways I don't care too much about guys. By the way let me tell you about mom and dad: Mom is an Indian and dad is an American, they met in Canada for a conference and then you know they got married.
I have mom's complexion and her beautiful hazel eyes and I have dad's nose- the bulbous kind.
Andrea has Mom's hair colour- Dark brown and all the other features are of dad.
So tomorrow I am about to speak in the assembly with Alex(the cute guy). I hope I don't barf on the platform, I actually did that once in my 6th grade. Now I am 14 so i won't barf but I could actually faint, which is embarrassing too!
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"Helena will be partners with
Alex. Amy will be paired with Ally." The chemistry teacher announced. My heart pounded in my chest as if it wanted to come out of it. We assembled in our places; Alex started juggling the test tubes while I blushed fiercely.
"ALEX!? you can't play with that!" I squeaked, "Well you can't tell me what do I want to do!!!" Alex yelled at me.
"Cool down" I shushed him as Bella Parker winked at Alex. Oh how I hate that snob with the name Bella, and how she gave me those unwanted looks when i was paired with Alex.
"So pour the sulphuric acid in the zinc, that will give us zinc sulphide" Alex commanded. I carefully poured sulphuric acid and..... "Owww " I moaned as the acid fell on my skin. Alex got the first aid kit and tied back my hair in a bun (as I told him). " You should be more careful Helena!" Mrs Berry( chemistry teacher) scolded.
" Maam, can I take Helena to the Health Zone" Alex asked. "Sure " Mrs Berry patted his back, "Let's go " he whispered in my ear; I felt a shudder in my body like magic.
I walked slowly with him " Are you okay now?" he spoke . " Umm yes and thank you for escorting me to the health zone " I thanked him.
The day got over swiftly after that, I thought of Alex whenever I took another step. 'Aww how cute he is" I thought.
Mom served us the Indian bread and delicious Butter chicken( a delicacy of India). " Make sushi rolls tomorrow" Dad teased, mom let the comment drift in air. " Tomorrow I'll make tacos" she smiled at dad.
My parents are actually doctors: mom is a dermatologist and dad is a neurologist. They want me and Andrea to be doctors too, Nani is coming tomorrow ( Mom's mother) , well Nani is an expert in vampires and ghosts and blah blah blah..
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" Namaste Helena! Namaste Andrea!" Nani joined her hands and greeted us. She wore an elegant red sari, with bangles in her wrist. " Namaste" I greeted her with a warm hug. " So how is school ,dearie?" She asked while mom offered her a glass of water.
" Awesome" Andrea answered.
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It was a normal day at school today. Alex walked closer to me but with Bella, I gave Alex a wink and he grinned back.
Then I saw Bella luring him to a corner and kissing him. Alex spotted me instantly and gave up his kiss. " You're sick Bella . Get out of my sight now!!" Alex bellowed at Bella.
Bella ran with tears pooled in her eyes, her hair flowing through the air as she ran. While Bella bumped into a guy I never saw before. " Are you okay?" He gave her a tissue. " Yes thank you!" She glared into his eyes. " You are ?" Bella asked, " Austin Dawnie" he spoke; his skin was as white as pure snow. "And you?" he asked, "Bella Parker" she smiled. " You wanna hang out today at about 6 in evening?" Austin asked, "Sure!!" She jumped.
I don't know but a feeling of jealousy ran through my nerves, Bella laughed when she saw me "I know you saw the cute guy called A-U-S-T-I-N" she teased me. I wanted to punch her that instant, "Go away SCUM" I yelled.
I decided to date Alex on the same time and same place where Austin and Bella were about to meet. " Alex you wanna hang out today at 6?" I confidently asked Alex. " Yup" he answered shortly.

It was 5:55 and Alex was out there in his car waiting for me. While Nani teased me by Alex's name .
"Let's go Helena" Alex called out, my black skirt swayed as I ran towards the car.
We reached the coffee place where Bella and Austin were also there, Bella kept swirling her coffee with a spoon.
They spotted us immediately, " Isn't that the girl from our school" Austin pointed towards me, " Ya stay away from her!" Bella smiled slyly at me.
I ordered a latte and Alex ordered some Nutella waffles for him.
" Listen I'll just go to the restroom " Alex informed. When Alex stood up, I saw Bella getting up too. This was a coincidence, not they were in a relationship again!
Then I caught eye of Austin who was calling me to sit next to him. Wait! This is a dream, let me pinch myself!
" Hey!" he greeted, "so you are the new guy!" I put my hand on my chin.  "Yes. Austin Dawnie" He spoke.
I saw Bella and Alex coming from the same side of the restroom. Bella adjusted her dress strap and sat on the table with Austin. "Carry on guys" I said and walked away to my own table.
"You and Bella! Is there something going on?" I snapped. He had a very bewildered look on his face, " Yes we are together, and by the way that was just a petty fight we had in school" he tried to be calm but his voice was raised.
I walked away, and thought 'what a betrayer' . I held back my tears, I wonder if Bella told Austin the same thing, that Alex was with Bella once again.
I reached home and dumped my tote bag on the floor, rushing to my room and slamming the door behind me.
Angry tears spilled out of my eyes, I scratched my face. "HELENA OPEN THE DOOR" Nani's voice echoed out of the door.
I wiped my face, took a deep breath and opened my door. "What's the matter darling?" she asked sweetly.
"A guy betrayed me!" I buried my face into my hands. "Well there will be so many guys who will come and go, but I can predict that there is only one who can bring joy, delight, laughter and the magic in you." She held my hands.
" Really?" I asked
"Yes dear, but let me tell you a secret, I have a power to see the future" she told me.
" You are a clairvoyant person?" I asked, amazed.
"A guy who's name starts with 'a' will enter your life and change your life in a positive way but beware of his dark secrets" she cautioned me.
"Does mom know about it?" I questioned. "Yes" Nani replied and got up.
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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