Chapter 1

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My alarm goes off at seven am waking me from my wonderful dream of going on vacation for Christmas. Wait! Christmas vacation! Oh shoot, I haven't packed anything for our trip and we fly out in three hours. I rush around my room packing random shirts and pants and unknown clothing objects. Why do I always wait till the last minute? My mom would KILL me if she saw this mess.... or if she knew I hadn't packed. What would I even want on vacation with me?

We're leaving for two weeks and I'm hoping to spend some of that time with my best friend in the entire world. His family lives there and he's told me the place my family is staying is about two blocks from his house.

I haven't seen him in a while so I'm super excited. I asked him a week ago what kind of stuff I would want down there so I would be prepared. He told me it would be hot so I'm packing a lot of short sleeves clothes.

I stuff a whole bunch of books into my backpack and pack up my phone things and laptop. This is a nightmare I hope that I really can pack up all my stuff by then.

I've stuffed both my backpack and suitcase with everything they would hold and just in time. My mom knocks on my door. "Hey honey you ready to go?" She asks. "Yep!" I say. "No you're not Alice. You need to get dressed." She says. I look down. I'm still in my pajamas. "Oh right, I'll get on that." I say.

I wear a heavy off white sweater with a white tee shirt underneath and black jeans. It's hot in Australia so I wanna be able to take off the death trap that is my sweater. I grab my things and take them downstairs. "Alice, honey, I need you to load those into the car. I thought I told you to do that yesterday." My mom says. "Sorry mom I forgot." I say. "I don't want sorry I want those bags in the car." She said motioning towards the door. "Yes ma'am." I say. I go outside and load my bags into the car.

I am extremely excited about this trip. I get to see my four best friends and it's Christmas, plus, I haven't left the country before. Today is a very big day. My four best friends are named Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Luke. Ashton is my best friend and the first one of them I met. They're 5 seconds of summer, or 5SOS.

I met them a few months back at a one direction concert. They were the opening act and I cheered them on while holding my hand made fan sign. After the concert I bumped into Ashton and he said he remembered me and my sign and thought it was really cool. We then talked a bit and he introduced me to the other boys when they walked up.

I used to actually have a celebrity crush on Ashton and after becoming friends with him I was only interested in being his friend. I mean sure he's super adorable and nice and I love his personality, but I only see him as a friend now. It never would have happened anyway.

My family piles into the car and we make or way to the airport. My phone beeps and it's a text from Ashton. "Hi I just killed a spider the size of Indie." He says. "wow. You must have super strength or something" I say. "They don't call me Smashin Ashton for nothing." He says. "pls don't say Smashin Ashton ever again" and of course the next text is like ten Smashin Ashton's. I roll my eyes. I look out the window and see the airport. "We've made it to the airport. see ya layer" I say.

I turn my phone off before he can reply. If he replies then I'm gonna wanna see what he said and I have things I have to do right now. We walk into the airport and check a few of our bags. Then head off to security to walk through the metal detectors. After a while of walking through the airport, taking trams, and tripping over suitcases, we finally make it to our gate. With about an hour left we sit down and I decide to text Ashton back. The last thing he said was. "Alright see you soon, it's hotter than your broken oven over here." The oven at my house cooks things in half the time it's supposed to be cooked. We don't know how it works. No one does. "It's colder than that time we got into the pool and someone took our towels over here." We went swimming and someone took our towels so we had to walk all the way to their hotel room freezing cold. We think it was Luke, but he denies it. "We missed you so much and we can't wait to see you." Ashton says. "I can't wait to see you guys either. It's been sooo boring since you left." I say. "I know :( I'm awesome." He says. I laugh out loud a little bit. "Yes you are my young apprentice. You've learned well." I say. "Very funny. I've gotta go... byeee!!!" He says. "okay Adios." I say.

Before I know it we're on the plane and in the air. "So what are your plans for when we get there?" My mom asks. "Well, I wanna help set up for Christmas and hopefully hang out with my friends a little bit. Plus whatever you have planned." I say. She smiles. "Which friends?" She asks. "Um, the 5SOS boys." I say. "Oh alright." She says directing her attention to my younger sister. All I wanna do is take a nap, it'll make some of the time go away, plus the hurrying that's been happening since I first woke up doesn't help. I stare out the window for a long time. I can't believe I'm actually going. I plug my earphones in and listen to music as my eyes slowly close and I drift off to sleep. 

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