"King Hashimoto, I heard your request." the tiny blue figure said.

            Riku widened his eyes. "The Blue Fairy."

            The Blue Fairy turned to him. "Yes, Riku. The King thought I could answer any questions."

            "What happened to Sora?"

            "It's the Realm of Darkness' magic. It wants to eliminate the Keybladers for it's their greatest threat, so when Sora sacrificed himself, the Darkness was going to consume him, and take his heart," the Blue Fairy explained.

            "Then what happened? Why is he still in the Realm of Light?"

            "Kairi's heart is of pure light. She was close by when Sora sacrificed himself. The Darkness had its grip weakened, but sadly, I don't know exactly what happened. This has never happened before,"

Once Upon A Time...

            A dark person shrouded in a black cloak sat quietly in the crook of a tree, a dagger in their gloved hand. Their mission was simple, ambush the Queen's carriage and steal whatever they can. A black carriage rode through the woods on an old dirt trail. The curtains were drawn, and the driver was wearing a helmet. The hooded figure was about to leap from the tree and strike when the carriage stopped suddenly. The figure silently cursed and stayed hidden, not wanting to compromise their position.

            The carriage door was opened by the driver, a tall and menacing woman in a black dress stepped out of the carriage. She scanned her surroundings, searching for something. The dark figure in the trees shrunk backwards, about to flee. They suddenly were pulled forward by an unseen force. They flew from the tree, and onto the dirt ground. The woman had a sadistic grin on her face.

            "I must admire your bravery, most people fear my power all too much," she said in a surprisingly calm voice. "Well, tell your leader that he'll have to try harder and send someone who is older and wiser than you."

            The dark person stood up, dusting themselves off. "Queen or not, you will one day met your downfall, Regina. And even though it's not going to me to bring you down, I will aid in the downfall." They spoke in a deep voice.

            Queen Regina laughed. "Hah! Don't fool yourself. The only reason why your leader is stealing from the wealthy and powerful is because that's what he wants."

            The cloaked person remained silent. "So, who are you?" interrogated Regina. "More than likely a new recruit, since I've never seen or heard of you before."

            "That is none of your business," the figure said in a low tone.

            "It is my business when someone tries to stand up to my power!" Regina ripped off the person's hood. The guards seized him by the arms. Regina was shocked. The person was no more than fifteen years old, and had dirty blonde, messy hair. His eyes were a bright sapphire blue, and a pale thin face. She had seen someone who looked just like him, a teen from the Kingdom of Radia, who was in fact a Keyblade wielder.

            Lord Xemnas has possibly recruited a Keyblader.

            Regina frowned. She was going to suffer at the hands of Xemnas if this boy was what she thought he was. "Let him go." She told the guards. They dropped him on the ground. "Let Xemnas know that if he crosses me again, I will make your life and the rest of the Organization's a living hell."

The Heart's Desperation: A Once Upon A Time/Kingdom Hearts CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now