Chapter 11: Uncle Niall

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There's a long note at the end so please read it, I have a question down there :) ENJOY!


Ali's POV

Fuck. Why is my head throbbing. I squint my eyes shut as I'm welcomed by the sun peeking through the curtains. "Ow." I groaned and tried to roll over into my pillow but an arm was wrapped around my waist holding me down. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down to see Louis fast asleep. Very small snores were escaping his mouth and his hair was pointing in every direction. He looked adorable. I leaned onto my side and reached my hand to his hair, gently running my fingers through the fringe. He started to squirm and slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." he smiled, his voice barely audible. He leaned over and kissed my cheek making me smile down at my hands. "Have fun last night?" he smirked and I groaned, burying my head into his chest. He wrapped his arm around m' and rubbed my arm soothingly causing my headache to calm a little bit.

"Don't let me drink ever again." my head bobbed as he laughed.

"You were hot though." he joked and I whipped my head up to shoot him a glare, too quickly for my stomach I may add. I scrambled out of the blankets and tripped over a pillow and Louis' shirt on the way to the bathroom. Louis was by my side in seconds as he heard me throwing up last nights remains. "I'm sorry babe. You okay?" he asked concerned and I just smiled, laying my head on his bare chest. He brushes the hair out of my face and kissed my temple making me feel content and not wanting to move for the rest of the day.

"BREAKFAST TIME!!!!" Niall yells and runs into our room with too much excitement for 9am. I groan and he looks at us then at the toilet and then back at me with wide eyes. " something w-wrong?" his happy attitude is gone as he hears my fake sniffle. Might as well play an act.

"Breath Nialler." I assure him before he turns purple.

"Everything's okay buddy." Louis smiles down at me lovingly and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from laughing.

"Are you-but how- and ba...." he sputters, waving his hands around.

"It's called a hangover Niall. You get them too." Louis laughs and the blonde sighs in relief.

"OH THANK GOD! IM NOT READY TO BE AN UNCLE FOR YOU!" he exclaims and runs out of the bathroom. Well never tell Niall when you're pregnant.

"Weird kid." I murmur as a laughing. Louis helps me off the floor.

"Toast and juice for ma lady?" Louis bows dramatically and I giggle nodding my head.

"Sounds five stars to me...sir." he smiles and connects our lips.

"Great. See you in the kitchen then." he pecks my lips a few more times before I push him out the door. I smile and turn around to find his jersey laying on the floor. I grab it and a pair of leggings and change, also throwing my hair into a messy high ponytail. I walk into the living room part and sit down with my legs in a half asleep Harry's lap.

"Mornin Haz." I smile and lean over to fluff his mop of curls. He groans and pushes my hand away.

"For my princess." I smile as Louis hands me a plate with toast, eggs and a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks babe." I smile and kiss his cheek before starting to eat.

"Fuck can I go back to bed now? Too much mushy stuff in two seconds here." Harry moans and throws his head into the pillow on top of my legs.

"No Paul is coming in like two minutes for a meeting for what's happening tomorrow so stay alive for 10 minutes at least." Liam lectures us all and Harry just rolls his eyes.

"Zayn I blame you for all of this." Harry groans, throwing the pillow at the half asleep boy causing us all to laugh and agree.


This was pretty much a filler. I wrote it longer before with like an interview but it was stupid so deal with this kind of funny morning after. I GRADUATE IN 44 DAYS!!! That's one reason why I don't post. School, work and soccer are taking over my life and I also just don't feel like posting this story cause I feel no one cares. So if you do care then thank you :)

I've also been writing some one shots of the boys as dads and I think they're really cute so do you want to see them?

I'm going to TRY to post again this week but I'm not making any promises.


- Jen :)

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