Chapter Two

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This is Life
Chapter Two

I waited outside with Rafael. Throughout the day we had learned a lot more about each other. He lived a few streets down from our new house. He also had a sibling who was two grades younger than him. We talked about photography, which I learned we both had interests in. I saw Mom's black Jeep pulling into the parking lot with Maria driving and Dani in the passenger seat busy on her phone. Maria had changed clothes into short blue jeans shorts and a crop shirt. Dani had on the same thing but wore a ripped shirt instead.

Maria waved me over to the Jeep and with a quick goodbye to Rafael I left the sidewalk. I opened the car door and stepped inside.

"Are you supposed to be driving?" I asked.
"No, but we need to get some things for the party. Drinks and stuff mainly." Maria replied.
"Oh, is Dani gonna ride with us?"
"Yes, obviously, are you an idiot?" Dani remarked. I raised an eyebrow.
"No one asked for you attitude." I smirked.
"Are you flirting with me?" She asked. I laughed. Like genuinely laughed at that.
"Yes definitely!" I replied.
"He's being sarcastic. I already told you he's not interested in girls." Maria rolled her eyes.
"Let's get going." I shouted over the radio which was now blasting.

We headed downtown and stopped by a mall. Maria and Dani went inside a store to get drinks and snacks. I went into a clothing store and found me a new light grey hoodie and blacked ripped jeans. I walked out of the store happy with my new purchase and ran straight into Dani.
"Watch it!" She snapped.
"What's your problem? What did I do to you?" I asked rubbing the back of my neck.
"Nothing." She sighed as Maria joined us.
"What's in the bag, bro?" Maria asked upon her return.
"New outfit. Grey hoodie and black ripped jeans." I said pulling out the contents.
"I am sooo stealing those jeans!" Maria called.
"Like hell." I replied poking her in the side. We were the same size so usually she could fit into my jeans. Dani rolled her eyes and we all headed back into the parking lot carrying bags of groceries.

After driving thirty minutes back to the house, Raphael was waiting outside. Maria had made me drive all the way back from the mall so I parked the car before leaping out. I approached Rafael.

"Why so early?" I laughed bumping knuckles with him.

"Figured you could use some help if this is going to be the party of the year." He smirked.
"That's a good idea. We could really use that genius brain of yours." I said sarcastically.

"Is that sarcasm I hear, Marino?" He asked playfully.

"Maybe." I smirked.

"Well I'll have you know I actually know how to throw the best of the best parties!" He laughed as we walked into the house.

Dani was still on her phone but looked up when Rafael entered the room. She sat her phone down and started talking with Maria sneaking little glances at Rafael. "Wow, finally put your phone down?"

"Mind your own business." She rolled her eyes.

"What's her problem?"

"I can't give you an answer to that. Ask again later?" I said as a walked up the stairs to my room. "I'm gonna take a shower I'll be done in about- give or take five minutes."

Rafael nodded and I continued to my room and took a shower. After getting out I ran a comb through my now wet hair and changed into the new outfit I had throwing on a pair of elite socks. Then I ran downstairs. There were already people here. Maria was commanding groups of people what to do as I walked to her.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"People I invited early to setup. We are almost done. You took a lot longer than five minutes, little bro." Maria answered.

"Yeah, where's Rafael?"

"Him and Dani went outside."

"Oh." Was all I said as I walked outside and looked through the crowd that had gathered. I walked to the edge of the pool. They weren't there. I walked over to the side of the house. I found them... together. I tried to stumble back without making a noise but a small gasp escaped my lips. Hearing my Dani unattached her face from my friends and winked at me. I shook my head and walked back inside.

It took so long for it to get dark outside. I knew the party had started even though I had locked myself in my room. Music was blasting through the house as I got up to walk downstairs.

End of Chapter 2
Word Count: 800

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