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You're soon to be.
Just another distant memory.
turning up the music;
I'm getting the thoughts of you outta my harmony.

My life is shaking,
My heart is breaking,
I'm no longer being baited along.
You've been the end of me and now you're gone,
A distant pit of loneliness,
Where my heart faltered apart.

The warmth your arms use to give,
Now I realize were the fires you light;
You're a beautiful demon that defies trust,
My heart is now rusted by the hurricane rain that you persuade.
In the end they'd just say its fate.
I don't want to believe it was a mistake.
I don't want to believe I was just a tools you used;
But these are the things that go through my mind,
These are the things I don't think can lie.

I'm the aftermath to your disguise.
The battle field where your kind thrive.
A gentle heart now filled with deception in its cry.
Shyness that came to everyone's surprise.

You're soon to be.
Just another distant memory.
turning up the music;
I'm getting the thoughts of you outta my harmony.

Why do we lie?
Why do we carry sorrow in a sigh?
You were the answer to my prayer,
Now you're a ghost of despair.
You left when I was drownding;
Now a body remains for the life I gave.

This war returned home to the sea;
Slowly sinking we are debris;
You let the chain loose,
Now the anchor awaits the sea floor;
You grabbed my hand and pulled me in,
Now I'm the one sinking to the deep blue,
These waves are crashing just because of you.

The string to the kite snapped,
And now it's a fight;
Looking down,
I'm going watch you drown;
You start to panic,
But you can't make a sound;
There isn't a rescue,
mys as well forget you.

You were the answer,
now you're the equation,
To who will suffer,
And who will fly,
You're independence is a lie.
When you need help this
thunderstorm will remain,
But it will not be tamed.
You cannot mend the pain.

Soon to be,
Just another distant memory;
Taking my pain away,
Burying my shame away.
Now I'm moving on;
To a better place.

This person that I am will always remain.
This wasn't a hand I played but a hand I was delt;
This isn't the end just the season in which we all melt.
Form something new for better or worse;
Something we can pursue as long as we have time to rehearse.

If you need to lie;
Lye awake at night;
Regretting the things you said that hurt worse than a knife;
A blade inside each and every lie,
Cursed my heart;
Into the darkness I embark.

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