#1: Out of Nowheres

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"Aubrey, wait for me. We're going to Area eleven together so don't rush!", Shirley knocked the girl's head as punishment of rushing towards the airport. "I'm so excited to see how the area looks like. I've been to area 7 and 10. Both areas are beautiful", Aubrey's eyes brightened. "Okay, I get your excitement. Just so you know, area eleven isn't that establish well. There are still rebellions in the ghettos", Shirley sighed and walked in front of Aubrey, a blonde with blue eyes. She's taller than Shirley. Although both girls grew up together, Aubrey is one tomboyish girl. She rarely wears dress and prefer to be on pants. One distinctive feature of Aubrey would be a mole beside her right eye.

Both girls were about to step inside the plane when the guard were gathered and pulled out one girl. "Miss Stark, you aren't allowed to leave the country as to your identification card are to be questioned", the guard said while making the girl step away from the plane. "Aubrey, what's the meaning of this? She's a friend of mine. I can confirm her identity", Shirley asked. "I'll be fine. I'll just be delayed for some days. See you soon", the blonde gave a smile and thumbs up.

Two months after...
Area 11 Ashford Academy

"You are one of the school's student council. You're quite popular among female students ever since you saved Lelouch from that building. You will have a great influence on them", Milly, the school superintendent's granddaughter, informed. "President, isnt it a bit unfair that she entered the council because of popularity. I have to earn for this position", Rivalz complained. "We need someone with a great rapport to convince the students", Milly explained. "Since we are all gathered here. Let me introduce the rest. Lelouch Lamperouge, my vice president. Nina as my Secretary. Rivalz would be in charge in student's affair with Shirley. You'll be in the same boat as Kallen. Maybe you'd be in charge of being the representatives. I  hope to get more member. Well, you are the only ones I have my eyes on", Milly  smiled.

Shirley's eyes landed on Suzaku's. "I see, you're Lulu's childhood friend. Lulu's friend is ours as well. I hope you find this school as a home as well", Shirley gave a smile. "Thank you, Shirley. I also look forward on the next days with you", Suzaku smiled. "By the way, you're an Honorary soldier right? Is it okay for you to be a student and at the same time, a soldier?", Shirley asked. "I got special permission. Plus, I also have additional task of maneuvering a knightmare", Suzaku informed. "Woah, Knightmares. I've seen it for the first time when I came here", Shirley said in awe. Shirley paused for a while and looked at Lelouch. "I'm glad he reunited with you", Shirley gave a weak smile. "Is there something wrong?", Suzaku asked. "I actually had a friend who was supposed to come with me here but she eventually ditched me. It's been two months already and I haveny heard any news from her", Shirley sighed. "Whatever reasons she might have, I know you'll also meet and you can give her a good pinch in the nose", Suzaku encouraged. 

The Next Day...

Suzaku went out of his military dorm in his uniform. He walked across the street and saw people crowding up. He was alarmed that it was an attack. He went to check on it but saw elderly and children gathered. It seems that the elderly who were doing morning walks came to stop by and the children heading to school also requested to stay for a while. Almost all of them are eleven.  After sometime, Suzaku heard the sound of a violin. It was soothing in the ears. He later realized that he was stupidly smiling. He tried to peek in and saw a blonde lady. She's a Britain citizen judging on the way she looks. Group of eleven from the ghetto started to circle around them. "Get away from here, Britannian. This is not your territory!", they kicked the trashbin and caused tension around. "Am I disturbing you? Sorry if that's the case. I only came here to play the violin, that's all", the blonde lady stopped playing and gave a bow. "Tch, Britain's brats are really irritating", one of them tried to gave a slap on the girl but Suzaku stood in between them. The group tried to fight back but Suzaku was able to hold them off. They ran away. After a while, the crowd scattered and continued in their different affairs. Suzaku remained standing at the side watching the lady fix the violin. "Thanks. You saved me there. Phew, you got a great skill in fighting. Is there something I can do to help you?", the lady tilted her head and looked at Suzaku. "You have to be careful", Suzaku said in concern.

"I need to go on", Suzaku whispered under his breath and pass through the girl. "You're a student from Ashford. Perfect timing, I'm actually looking where the school is located. Can you give me a tour?", the blonde asked. Suzaku just nodded and walked in front of her. "Are you just new here?", Suzaku asked. "I arrived last night. I got bored so I went on the street to play ", the lady answered. "You don't go asking some stranger to lead you around. I'm Suzaku... Kururugi Suzaku", Suzaku introduced. "Well, I didn't actually asked for you name but thanks. My name's Aubrey", Aubrey informed. "Well, that park isn't actually visited by many people. A lot of them still fear it because it is near the ghettos and some rebels are kidnapping in order to be used for ransom taking", Suzaku explained. "Who do you think is wrong? Me? Who only wanted to expand my world by getting to perform in different places? Or the ones who just came a while ago and destroyed the momentum... but given that it is their territory?", Aubrey asked. "Well, I can't say that either of you are mistaken. Both sides are just trying to protect or do something that you treasure", Suzaki answered. "Playing safe, arent we?", Aubrey chuckled. "Area 11 is fascinating after all", Aubrey stretched her limbs.

They ended up in front of Ashford Academy. "It's quite huge", Aubrey commented and looked at Suzaku. "It's a neutral ground for elevens and Britannian that's why I am allowed to study here", Suzaku informed. "I wasn't going to say anything about your bloodline or nationality. Thanks for bringing me here. By the way Suzaku, this is not the first time I saw you", Aubrey smiled and gave a bow. She ran towards the building. "What a weird fellow", Suzaku shrugged and went inside his classroom.

"Good morning, you're a bit late today. I thought soldiers wake up early", Lelouch teased. "I just met someone on the way coming here", Suzaku informed.

Morning classes started. The rest of the student council had a welcome celebration afterclass. "We're welcoming Kallen and Suzaku as a new staff of our school", Milly shouted. Rivalz tried to open a champagne and it spilled on Kallen. "Moh, liquors are prohibitted", Shirley flicked on Rivalz forehead. "I'll accompany Kallen at Nunnally's room to take a bath", Lelouch volunteered. Shirley looked at Lelouch and Kallen.

Both student left the room. Suzaku noticed a slight change in Shirley's expression. "Jealous?", Suzaku asked. "Ah, Suzaku. What are you saying?", Shirley blushed. "I heard that you like Lelouch a lot", Suzaku sat beside the orange haired. "I think he really likes Kallen. I saw them having conversation during break time and also... Lulu have been looking at her", Shirley reported. "I think it's not really a big deal if a guy talks to a girl and also looks at her so many times. I'm talking to you right now. Does that mean something? I always stare at the president because she emits such brightness. Does that mean something as well?", Suzaku smiled. Shirley chuckled and pushed Suzaku's shoulder. "Okay, I get it Mr.", Shirley smiled.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading..
Credits to the photo :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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