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you had been at Devenford Prep, for three years now. you had a selective group of friends that you would sit with at lunch and hang around with. you weren't the most popular, but then you weren't the least popular. you had good grades, an you would always o exceptionally good in all tests. you didn't really talk to any of the boys in your school, but one day that all changed. Mr White, the math teacher had called you in to talk to you.

"don't worry Y/N, you haven't done anything wrong... I wanted to talk to you about tutoring a student who is struggling in math. he is on the lacrosse team, and he needs to get his grades up or else he could get kicked off... if you help him out, you will get extra credit, not that you need it, and you will get extra free periods to help tutor him."

" okay, what's his name?"

"Brett, Brett Talbot,"

"I'll tutor him" you said

"thank you Y/N... I talked to your French teacher, and she said that you could have a free period from now on during that lesson to tutor him."

"ok... thank you Mr White."

"you are excused Y/N"

once the next period came round, you were in one of the empty math classrooms waiting for Brett. five minutes later, Brett appeared in the doorway, dumping his back on the ground and sitting in the chair next to you.

"I don't need a tutor... I'm great at math." he said rather moodily

"well...Mr White seems to disagree... and if you don't get your grades up you could get kicked off the lacrosse team."

Brett groaned in annoyance "fine"

"so where do you want to start?" you asked him,

"you tell me, your the tutor."

"ok.." you said flicking through the file that Mr White gave you "it appears that you seem to be struggling the most with... algebra"

"just hurry up, I've got lacrosse practice in an hour"

this made you lose your temper.

"you know what... I don't need to tutor you, but I am tutoring you. I'm trying to be nice, and helping yo to not get kicked off the team. and your just being rude to me... I'm done." you said before grabbing your stuff and walking out of the classroom. you headed towards your locker to put the stuff that you would've needed to tutor Brett away.

"what are you doing?" you heard Brett ask from behind you as you were butting the folder away.

"putting the folder in my locker... what does it look like I'm doing?"

"aren't you going to tutor me?"

"you don't want at tutor, I don't want to be a tutor... it's a win, win situation."

"look I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I need a tutor to stay on the team, can't you just tutor me again?"

"You don't sound very sincere," you said as you started to walk away.

"Please Y/N," he said grabbing your arm to prevent you from walking away any further.

You deliberated about wether or not to help him. In the end you decided to help him.

"I'll help you on one condition,"

"Anything" he said sounding desperate.

"My ex boyfriend, is on the Beacon Hills lacrosse team. When you play against them, kick his arse for me."

"Will do.... maybe you would like to watch me kick his arse."

"Maybe I would like to see him writhing around on the ground in pain."

"So are you coming to watch the game?"

" Yes, I am" you said smiling at him before opening your locker, taking the books back out, and going back into the classroom to continue tutoring Brett.

Brett Talbot ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now