He nods, taking a seat at a nearby table. I remove my coat and set it on the arm of my chair before I take a seat "So what was your idea?" I ask, crossing my arms and leaning them on the table

"How about Poe" He leaned back in his chair

"As in Edgar Allen Poe?" I asked, making sure I understood

"Who else?" He smirked

"All his stories are about morbid love" I made a face

"But the love is so pure and real...They may not be your typical love story, but they make you feel something. Something real-" Louis stopped in mid sentence "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I realized I was making a shocked face. But come on, who can blame me...I think if anyone heard Louis talk like that, they would have the same expression plastered on their face. I didn't know Louis could be so deep.

"Sorry" I laughed lightly, shaking my head 

"If you think it's a bad idea we can change it. I just thought-"

"No, no" I interrupted "I think it's a great idea" I smiled

"Good" He mirrored my smile, then shifted slightly in his seat "I forgot to grab my laptop before I went to dinner and the internet on these computers suck. I'll go grab my laptop" he leaned forward in his chair before getting up

"Louis, you realize we are in a library, right? I'm sure they have books about him in here" I smirked, getting up from my chair

"Oh, right" Louis nodded, following me to the shelves

I scanned multiple rows of books, looking on anything that has to do with Poe. Louis searched on the opposite side of me, our backs facing each other

"Ooh!" Louis said, pulling a book from the shelf. "Look! It's a book about mutant animals" he said, showing me the cover.

"Lou, we are looking for books on Poe, not Weird picture books on gross looking animals" I shake my head, turning back to the shelf

"Okay, fine..fru fru"

"Did you just call me fru fru??" I asked, quickly turning back around to face him once again

"Hey, if you can call me Lou, I get to give you a nickname too" he smirked

"If you are offended by me calling you Lou, I won't" 

"I'm not offended. It's just only fair that I get to give you a nickname now" He said, a smirk still spread across his face

"Fine" I sighed "But I have to approve of it...Fru fru; where the heck did you come up with that?" I asked

"It was the name of my first hamster. I loved him dearly" he chuckled, turning around with the smile still on his face

I cracked a smile too, turning to the shelf once again to look for a Poe book.


After searching high and low for books On Edgar Allen Poe, we finally found a few we could use references from

"Ah" Chelsea said, pointing to a specific line in the book "This says he was considered to be part of the American Romantic Movement"

I nod, writing down the information

"And the his birthplace was Boston Massachusetts. Born on January 19th 1809, and  died October 7th 1849"

"October 7th??" I asked, peering up from the notebook 

"Mhhm" She nodded, her eyes still glued to the book. 

Instead of returning my focus to my notebook, I kept my eyes on Chelsea; studying her as she concentrated on the book. I noticed she licked her lips when she concentrated enough; A very cute trait by the way. Her legs were crossed, her right leg under her left, which she was shacking slightly. Another thing she does when she concentrated. I grinned, then finished writing down the information she had given me.

"Okay, that makes three full pages of notes. I think that's good enough" Chelsea said with a sigh, closing the book "Oh wow" she looked at her phone "It's 10:16" 

"There's no way. The library closes at 9" I say, looking around. No one else was in the library.

We walked to the door. I grasped the handle, giving it a tug "Shoot" I say, giving it another pull "It's locked"

"What?!" Chelsea said "There's no way they just locked us in here. How could they not check the downstairs?? Isn't that like, part of regulations or something?"

"To be fair; College students aren't usually at the library on Friday nights. They still should have checked downstairs though. I bet a student was working tonight and just neglected to do so"

"How are we going to get out?" Chelsea asked, looking around the library for an idea

"Ummm" I said, looking around the building as well. I walked over to a window placed closley to the ground "This will do" I say, signaling Chelsea with my arms to come over to where I was

With one swift movement, I broke the lock on the window, pulling it up. Just then, an alarm began blaring throughout the library.

"Oh crap"

"Louis! You can't just break things like that."

"Fru fru, they locked us in the library, they can deal with me breaking a lock. But as for the alarm; I don't want to deal with th administrators asking me questions as to why I was in the library this late, so lets go" 

"Don't call me that" She scowled, quickly  crawling through the window

"Right, sorry" I smirked, following her through the window

We quickly ran back to our dorm, laughing as we slowed down to catch our breath

"Sheesh. that's enough excitement for one day" Chelsea said, entering the building

We walked up the staircase, Chelsea stopping at her floor

"I'm off to bed. Night Lou" She smiled, pulling open the door 

"Night Fru-"

"Shut it" she interrupted, turning around to laugh at my antics

"Night Chelsea" I smiled

The Player's Game [Louis T. AU]Where stories live. Discover now