Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning


*Day 10 of Zerrie Vacation*

I flipped through the channels on the television to find something good on. Sadly there was nothing, so Collin and I sat alone in silence while Cake Boss played on the large television.

"I'm bored." Collin whined

I looked over at Collin to see her bright blue eyes staring into mine. My heart immediately skipped a few beats and butterflies rose in my stomach.

Don't do it, Harry. She's only for the demons. My thoughts reminded me.

"Me too." I sighed.

"What should we do then?" Collin asked.

I shrugged.

All I know is that I wanted to do something fun.

"I have an idea!" Collin yelled as she quickly stood up.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her causing her to smile.

Collin moved closer to me until she was right next to me on the couch. Those beautiful ocean blue eyes staring into my emerald green ones. She moved her face closer to mine until she was just next to my ear.

Her breath was tickling my ear, causing me to slightly shiver. I closed my eyes and waited for her to say something else.

"Let's bake a cake!" She exclaimed, enthusiastically.

My eyes immediately flew open and a smiling Collins was staring at me.

"Such a tease." I chuckled.

She giggled and stood up from the couch. She reached her hand out, and I immediately grabbed it, pulling her down and onto my lap.

"You should be punished." I try to sound as serious as possible, but failed when I slightly smiled.

"And how so?" She innocently asked.

Collin batted her eyelashes at me causing me to bite my lip.

Damn, this girl is a tease.

Instead of saying anything, I crashed my lips to hers and slowly kissed her. She kissed back with just as much love and care as I did. I slid my tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss. Collin sat up and straddled my lap as the kiss got more and more heated.

Her hands were lost in my curls, lightly tugging at them. My hands were cupping her bum, slightly squeezing, causing her to moan into my mouth.

She pulled away and both our breathing was heavy.

"That's all you get for today, Mr. Styles." Collin winked. "Now come and bake a cake with meeee."

I groaned and stood up. Collin dragged me into the kitchen and began grabbing everything we needed to bake a cake.

She grabbed; flour, eggs, cake batter, icing, chocolate chips, pans, spatulas, tooth picks, etc.

"C'mon. Let's start bakingggg!" She spoke in a sing-song voice.

Collin cracked an egg and put into a large bowl.

"Can you hand me the flour, please, Haz?" Collin sweetly spoke.

The way she called me Haz...

Okay stop Harry. I told myself.

I grabbed the flour container and started bringing it to her, when suddenly, I tripped over an eggshell on the ground. The contents of the bag spilled all over Collin.

She looked down at me and gasped. I started laughing my arse off.

The flour was all in her hair and all over her sweatpants.

"These were my favorite pair!" She screamed, pointing to the sweatpants.

I stopped laughing and immediately got worried.

Will she leave me?

Will I have to find another?

Will she-

"On my god. Harry you should've seen your face!" She threw her head back in laughter.

I stood up for the ground and rolled my eyes. I went back to the counter I was working at and started making colored frosting.

"Harry?" Collin asked.

I turned around and before I knew it, she threw flour at me.

It got all in my hair and on my face.

"Oh hell no." I tried to be sassy.

It was a fail...

I picked up a handful and threw it at her face, causing me to laugh.

"Oh, so you want a war? Okay." She smirked.

Collin picked up a bowl of flour and dumped it on my head.

I gasped.

I quickly picked her up in my arms and flung her over my shoulder. She kept kicking and hitting my back, but I wouldn't set her down.

"Put me down Harry!" She giggled.

"Nope." I popped he p.

"Pleaseeeee!" She begged.

I ignored her and set her down on the free counter. My arms wrapped around her waist, trapping her on the counter.

I tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

Her bright blue eyes stared into my eyes then flickered to my lips, then back at my eyes.

Before I could quisling anything, Collin leaned down and kissed me.

My eyes fluttered closed and I kissed back.

She pulled away too soon, causing me to groan.

"This is the best day ever. I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

*present time*

I didn't even notice a tear roll down my cheek until I felt it fall down on my hand.

They can't take Collin. She means too much to me. No matter what, I have to stop them. It's going to be hard, but I must try. There's only one way to stop them..

And I know exactly how...

They can take me instead.


There's about 2-3 chapters left... I'm sorry ! Then here will be an epilogue mkay?

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