I Might Like Him

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"FAYLEE",someone yells.

"Fluffy Pants Mr. why'd you wake me up",I say looking at Zayn.

"We are about to land come on start getting your carry on bags",he says handing me one.

I take it from him and the sit back down because I only took one carry on bag.

"Please put on your seatbelts we are about to land",the captian tells us.I listen to him because one I don't wanna die two I don't wanna die.

Shortly after this announcement we land and get off.When we get out theres hundreds of fans screaming the boys names and taking pictures. Niall takes my hand in his and hands me sun glasses.I put them on and allow Niall to lead me to wherever we were going.After about ten minutes I'm picked up and put into car.

"Where are we going",I ask directing my question to whoever will answer it.

"Ummm a hotel",Liam says.

"Oh okay."

I don't know what it is but I feel like Liam doesn't like me.He's kind of distance then the rest of the boys and I haven't talked to Harry so idk about him.

"It's okay love he is just still in shock Niall you know adopted you.It's not a bad thing it's just that he's so young and a child is a big responsibility",Harry whispers in my ear.

"You remind me of Nashley",I tell him.

"Nashley",he ask with a confused face.

"The lady that took care of me when I was living in the orphanage."

"Oh okay."

"I got a question why do you have a American accent and why is it so country",Zayn ask.

"Because I'm American duh and I'm from the south",I explain.

"How'd you end up in London",Liam ask.

"Idk How'd yall all end up in One Direction",I ask them being sarcastic.

"Yall",Niall asked with a confused face.

"The southern abbreviation of you all here is some more of a southern pronunciation:

Fixin-about to


grits-a food that is delicious with cheese."

They all nod their heads and go onto their phone.

@Niallofficial: Me Liam Louis Zayn and Harry just had a pronunciation lesson of southern words from @fayleehoran

One direction loves yall.

I laugh and look out my window.


"Duck Dynasty",they all ask with confused faces.

"A famous tv show in the south where this guy owns a duck call buisness and his family works there and it tells you about their crazy life",I explain.

"We heard what you almost said",Louis says with a smirk.

"What",I ask playing innocent.

"Fuck",Louis says.

Niall not paying attention but hears Louis say that word goes,"Louis don't use that word around her we don't need her using it."

I lool at Louis and stick my tounge out at him.He rolls his eyes and I get out of the car because it stopped for me of course so I could go see John Luke and Cole.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2014 ⏰

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