The Heart Wants What It Wants

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Betty's POV
Since the night of the jubilee me and Juggy haven't talked. It's been three days and I'm starting to get worried. I saw him at Pop's yesterday. He was wearing that jacket. The infamous South side serpents. It worries me to see him wear that thing. I've texted, no response. I've called, voicemail. I just want to talk to him, let him know that no matter what, I'll always be there for him.

Jughead's POV
I may be avoiding Betty. Yes I know it's not
right to just ghost on someone you love but, it's for the best. And most importantly for her safety. Believe me when I say this, I want to talk to her so badly. I miss hearing her voice but like I said, it's to keep her safe. My heart aches everytime I ignore a call or text from the blonde haired Princess I have come to love.
•three days later•
Betty's POV
Juggy finally responded! But it was not what I expected it to say. It was a short response. Five words to be exact. I can't talk right now. I responded with a light, why not? No response. I'm so confused right now.

Third person
Betty sat in her quiet, night light lit bedroom with tears running down her cheeks, wondering what might happen to her relationship with the Raven haired boy she has learned to love with all her heart. Betty thought up a plan. She would sneak into the attic and "borrow" the old serpent jacket she "accidentally found" she would go to the whyte wyrm and confront her hopefully still boyfriend.

Betty's POV
I pulled up to the whyte wyrm and slipped on the serpent jacket which I think was my mom's but I sure as hell am not asking. It fit like a glove. I stepped out of the car and made my way to the door. I opened it and there he was. At least, I thought it was him. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't even realize he wasn't wearing the hat. I tapped them on the shoulder thinking it was Juggy but instead it was just some random weirdo. "Hey little lady, what's a pretty blonde like you doin' out here at this time?" he said, brushing a stray hair out of my face. My first instinct was to slap the creep across the face, which I soon realized was the wrong choice. "I wouldn't have done that if I were you!" he barked in my face taking a switch blade from his pocket and flipping it open. I shrieked.

Jughead's POV
I heard a shriek downstairs but just shrugged it off until I heard the door open and someone came barreling in. "Boss, trouble downstairs!" I rolled my eyes as I stood up. "Who is it?" I asked. "Sweet pea and some blonde haired beauty. It's funny she actually kinda looks like the one you was with that night" oh god! "Betty." I whispered to myself just now realizing the situation "What the hell is going on here!" I yelled not really sure what else to say. "Well, ya see boss, I complimented this little slut and she just thought she could slap me!"
Everyone cleared the way and there she was. My blonde princess, my Juliet, my Betty Cooper. I could only think of one reason she could be here. An explanation for the reason I've been ignoring her since the night I told her I loved her. I looked at her and she returned the look but with tears streaming from her eyes. I walked over to them and knocked the switch blade from his hand, which in the process cut my knuckle open. "Don't you ever call her a slut, and get the fuck away from her!" I whispered in his ear. He immediately backed away which caused a chain reaction as everyone went back to what they were doing. I turned around and saw Betty starting at me "What?" I said sternly trying to get her to ignore me and leave. I began waking away until I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I immediately knew who it was.

Betty's POV
"Juggy." I said as he turned around. "Can I please talk to you?" Everyone's eyes turned to us "In private?" I asked. "Fine, you have ten minutes." He took me to his office and I sat down on the cracked leather couch. "Juggy, why haven't you talked to me?" I asked with tears threatening to spill at any moment. He turned around and in the light of his desk lamp I could see the Tears in his eyes. "Because, Betty, trust me, you don't want to be associated with a serpent, OK?" His words were shaky and I could tell he just wanted to cry. I stood up and walked over to Jughead. I placed my hand on his face allowing my thumb to wipe away the single tear that ran down his cheek. It hurt me to see him cry. The next thing I knew, he pulled me into a hug and just broke down, which obviously made me cry. I pulled away and told him the one thing I had been waiting to tell him all night. "Juggy, no matter what you want to do in life, I will always be there for you." I saw a tear fall from his eye and let out a small giggle, pulling him into a tight hug. "I love you Jughead Jones, no matter what you are or decide to be, including a serpent, I will still love you. And after what I saw out there with that creep, I am damn sure you can keep me safe." I kissed his cheek and waited for a response. Then I heard it. "ditto." he whispered. I chuckled. He looked down at me. "What?" He asked, intertwining his fingers with mine. "Oh, nothing." I replied.
Thank you so much for reading my first ever story, this took me forever to write so I hope you enjoyed! Thank you to TrapQueen1738  for suggesting my first song to be inspired by, she also suggested to topic, please go checkout her stories and vote on them! Once again, thank you and please vote💖💘

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