Alejandro nodded, and hurried off down the hall.

Nick turned back to the girl. "Lie still, we'll get your wound cleaned up and try and stop the blood flow. But we really should get you to a doctor."

She shook her head. "No, no doctors. I'll heal...I just need a little time, and rest."

Nick frowned. "What are you?"

Her silver eyes met his, and he stared into their mercury depths. like the moon, he thought.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." She said quietly.

"Try me."

Her eyes flickered uncertainly, than she met his eyes fearlessly. "Lychanthrope."

Nick's eyebrows rose. "A werewolf?"

"That is the more common name. Although most of the lore on us is way off."

"You were the dog...the one I hit." Nick said guiltily.

"Yes. Although you mainly just bumped into me. Truth is, you saved my life."

Nick glanced at her wounds. "The people you're running from..."

She shook her head. "They're not people."

Before she could continue, Alejandro returned with the first aid kit. "I found it! You're going to have to fix her up though, I can't really see straight at the moment."

Nick took the first aid kit. "Go make some coffee."

Alejandro glanced at the girl. "So you going to tell us how you did your little trick?"

"I'm a werewolf."

He nodded slowly. "Cool. I'm going to go make coffee."

Nick pulled two rolls of bandages, gauze, and anti-bacterial cream out of the first aid kit. "This may sting a bit."

She raised an eyebrow ever so slightly, and turned her back to him, pulling all her hair over her right shoulder to give him better access to the wounds.

As Nick began to wipe the blood away, he asked. "So what's your name?"

She shifted ever so slightly, waiting a few moments before answering. "Tala...what's yours?"

"Nicholas, although everyone just calls me Nick."

She turned her head ever so slightly and looked at him. "Victorious."

He paused in his administrations and met her gaze. "What?"

She shrugged slightly. "Your name, it means victorious."

He raised his eyebrows. ""

There were a few minutes of silence while Nick finished cleaning the blood off, and then wrapped the bandages around her shoulder and upper arm. "There. All done. Although you'd best keep your arm as still as possible to prevent further blood loss...and you really should get some stitches."

She shook her head. "The wounds will heal soon enough, stitches are not required."

Nick sat on the couch beside her, and rested his head in his hands, taking a few deep breaths.

Tala tilted her head slightly to one side, observing him. "Is there something ailing you?"

He ran his fingers through his hair and straightened up. "Besides trying to wrap my head around the past twenty four hours? Not really.

She suddenly seemed to realize how he must be feeling. "Yes, I suppose this is a lot to take in."

He turned to her. "How do I know you're really...what you claim to be? What if it was all some trick?"

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