Alright (Gumshall/Gumlee/Marball one shot)

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In elementary school I said to Marshall "Lets join the safety patrol!" He looked at me and said "Alright." Thats how we became to first two kids on the safety patrol. Even though some people made fun of us "Nah nah safety patrol is stuuupid, youre stuuupid!" He ignored them and stood tall by my side.

In middle school I said to Marshall "Lets join the student council!" He looked at me and said "Alright." That's how we became the first two members of the student council. Even though people made fun of us "Nah nah nobody listens to the student council it's lame!" He ignored them and stood tall by my side.

In high school I got mad at Marshall "Why do you always say "alright"?! Can't you THINK FOR YOURSELF!? If you didn't FOLLOW ME AROUND everywhere you wouldnt be in this MESS! Those kids wouldn't have BEATEN YOU UP for hanging around me!" Marshall sat up, ignoring his broken ribs, and looked at me and said "Alright." Even though people made fun of him "Nah nah you always hang around that gay pink haired fag, you must be a fag too!" He ignored them and stood tall by my side, even when he could no longer stand.

In college I asked Marshall "What do you want for your 21st birthday?" He looked at me with wide eyes that soon formed tears and said "You." Even though people made fun of us "Nah nah faggots you guys are gonna go to HELL!" He ignored them and stood tall by my side, while intertwining his fingers with mine.

After college Marshall got down on one knee and asked me "Bubba Gumball, I love you in more ways that you can count.  I'd follow you beyond the stars. There is no one who does or will ever exist that I would want to spend my life with except you. Bubba Gumball, will you marry me?" I looked at him and started to cry, wrapping my arms around his shoulders in a violently tight hug and said "YES! OH MY GLOB YES!" Even though we were about to make the most important decision of our lives "Marshall Lee. Do you take Bubba Gumball to have and to hold, through sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, til death do you part?" He smiled at me and stood tall by my side as he slipped a ring on my finger and said "I do."

After the wedding I told Marshall "Lets adopt." He kissed my cheek and said "Alright." Even though we can't have biological children. "Oh look Marshall... she's so beautiful." He stood tall by our sides and kissed us both goodnight.

Years later I looked at our child "It's okay, dont cry baby, Daddy Marshall is going to be back very soon, he just took a quick run to the store so we'll have some food during this hurricane." I wiped the tears out of her eyes as she looked at me and said "Alright." Even though we had some tough times "MARSHALL! We have to board up that window the rain is coming in!" He still fixed the window and stood tall by our sides.

Alright (Gumshall/Gumlee/Marball one shot)Where stories live. Discover now