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Heyyy FAM that's detective Mc'Don up there I saw this pic and I was like, this is the one so yeah this is my detective😘
Av got a new BL for you guys to watch.

<<😍😍 2 Moons the series😍😍 >>

Alexanders POV

"Alex we're up" my partner Chris said as he took his leather coat. He looked like a typical detective, he wouldi'nt go undercover without being discovered by first sight. Me on the other hand didn't look like a police let alone a detective, Chris says am too feminine for my own good. People's comments made me what I am, I made detective before most of my manly rivals as they called themselves.

"Where?" I asked Chris

"At the nature park"

"You're driving" I said as I threw him the car keys.

We got to the nature park and found the police had already marked the crime scene. The dead body was lying on the ground and the surrounding area was too clean to be the original murder scene.

"What's his name?" I asked the police holding the evidence bag and he handed me the man's wallet.

Adam Bloke, sounds english. I looked at his employee card and saw the company he works for Clark construction company.

"Chris do you know this company?" I asked as Chris came over to look at the card.

"No, maybe someone here knows it." He said looking around and called the cop handling the evidence.

"Do you know this company?" He asked

"Yes it's located in the heart if the city opposite the bank and next to that gold jewelry company. We talked to the owner a few minutes ago." The cop said.

"Okay thanks," Chris said to the cop "so what do you think" he asked facing me.

"This is too obvious Chris, he was brought here probably carried here but we can't know that for sure if there were any foot marks we would have known if we came first now there's only room for speculation, but this shot was obviously not from here..."

"Coz if it was here there would be splashed blood all over." Chris finished

"Hey look," I said as I squatted and looked at his nails and Chris squatted close to the other hand.

"His nails have been plucked out," he said

"Yeah meaning he was tortured before being shot."

"Where do we start?"

"Let's go to that Clark company and ask around maybe he had enemies there or maybe we can talk to his boss.

"Let's go."

We arrived at the company and it was hug, I wonder how many stories, these people must be loaded to build something like this I thought as I looked up at the building. We parked and walked towards the main entrance with glass doors, we showed our budges to the security guard and she let us in.

"Hi, can we see your employer?" Chris asked the lady at the reception while showing her his badge and I flashed mine.

"He just left, and by the way that's his parking space he will nkt like it of you parked there." she said  and continued typing on her laptop. When did people stop being afraid of the police?

"Where did he go to?" I asked

"I dont know maybe home,"

"Can you give us his address."

"I am not allowed to."

"Do I need to tell you that this is a homicide investigation and if you dont comply I will arrest you for failure to help the police and being an accessory to murder." I said making her shift uncomfortably.

ATTRACTION (MAN×MAN)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt