accept there is every reason to worry, my crazy ex somehow got my phone number

  We get into the venue and Me and Bella go to The merch table and get everything set up. While the guys run on stage. Soon enough Billies voice is booming through the building and thousands of girls and guys are screaming their  lungs out, Its crazy to see how many people love these 3 idiots.

As I watch the guys up there playing their hearts out, I can see the passion in Their eyes, this is what they love, making music.

"Uhm excuse me.." Some bitch began snapping her fingers in my face.

"Oh sorry I-"

"Save it and give me 3 of those" She spat pointing at the Green Day Tee's, I was about to go offon her but Bella gave me the look, so held back.

"Ok that'll be 75 Dollars" I fake a smile at the blonde bitch.

"WHAT 75 FUCKING DOLLARS? YOUR KIDDING RIGHT." She yelled catching both me and Bella off guard 

"Im not kidding, they are 25 dollars each and you want 3 its basic math" I say getting frustrated

"Thats stupid I bet your lying to me just to make profit for yourself" She scoffed

"I am not Im not that fucking low you bitch" I said slamming my fist on the table, causing Bella to jump

"Nikki Chill" She said lowly. 

I cant just 'Chill'

"Did you just call me a bitch?" She stomped her foot

"Yes yes I did because your accusing me of lying about prices when I'm clearly not!" I yell and stand up causing my chair to fall.

"what psycho charges 25 dollars for a shirt!" she yelled coming closer to me.

"Im, Not, a Psycho," I say inching closer to her with each word. I swear this bitch is trying me.

"I bet your fucking one of the Band members to get this job" She spits in my face I clench my fists and I'm about to scream in her face and Tell her that Im not 'fucking' anyone and that Bj is my Boyfriend, but I can't people cant know about me and Billie, Not yet.

"Awee did I hit a soft spot" She smirks

"I suggest you back the fuck up before I do something I regret" I say through gritted teeth

"Hmm let me think.. No" She laughs,

"And for the record, I'm not fucking any of the band members, I dont even like them like that were all just friends." I spit in her face.

"sure" She stepped closer to me.

"back. Up." I say slowly, Its taking everything in me not to beat the fuck out of her right now.

"Ok fuckers, thanks for being here, One of my favorite bands Is gonna come play a couple songs for you, then we'll be back Now I fucking present to you, Blink-182" Billies voice booms through the building.

"I.will.Not." She mocks my tone and I lose it I punch her right across the face

"You bitch" She gasps as she throws a punch at me, I laugh and duck. I stand back up and Punch her again knocking her down

"GUYS STOP" Bella yells. The chick punches me in the gut and I fall and I scream out in pain

She hits hard. Fuck

She climbs on top of me and starts punching me in the face over and over I feel the blood running down my face. But I somehow manage to push her off and I end up on top of her and I don't hesitate to throw punch after punch. I her Tom finish singing the third song and He says bye to the crowd,they leave and Soon Billie and The others are back onstage. I was focused on that and the blonde took that as an opportunity to kick me off, she quickly stood up and started kicking me in the stomach. I notice Bella is gone and I start to panic but then I hear Bilies voice onstage, he's talking to someone I cant make out much because he'ss not talking into the mic.

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