There was only one person in the world who would understand what was going on, who would listen, not judge and possibly give the best advice ever: Thomas. It was time to talk to her English friend again.

"Morning Lorie," Kaya said, breaking the girl's train of thought.

"Morning," Lorie yawned, sitting up in bed and rubbing her bright blue eyes.

"Where'd you go last night?" Kaya asked, getting out of bed and heading over to her suitcase. "We missed you at the party."

"I came here, I was tired," Lorie told her, which wasn't a complete lie. "We?"

"Yeah, Lucas came back," Kaya said, pulling on some jeans. "We walked back together."

Shit. Lorie looked Kaya in the eye, trying to work out if Lucas had said anything.

"Right, yeah," Lorie said nervously.

"You alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"No reason," Kaya laughed, although she could clearly tell something was up.

Lorelei used her fingers to apply some dark eye makeup onto her eyelids and put on some shimmery clear lipgloss.

"I don't have class till twelve," she said after a while of silence. "You want to hang out?"

"I wish I could," the other girl groaned, slipping her feet into some sneakers. "But I've got Women's Studies," she checked her watch, "Now! Shit, see you later Lor!"

Lorie didn't have time to wave goodbye before Kaya raced out of the door and into the hallway.

Lorie turned her phone on and opened up FaceTime.

"Lorelei!" A British voice said after only one ring.

The camera was covered by something pinky red, but it was clear that it was Tom on the other end.

"Hey Tom," Lorie said. "I think you're covering the camera."

"Oh," Thomas chuckled, moving his thumb away from the lens. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well," Lorie said, opening up a bag of chips. "I'm having more boy trouble."

"Ah," Tom nodded, taking a sip of tea knowingly. "Go on, tell me about it."

"I did something. Something rash and stupid and I regret it so much."

"Oh dear," Tom said, looking concerned. "You didn't murder him did you?"

Lorie laughed, "Not quite," she said. "I kissed him."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Tom asked.

"No no not at all," Lorie said. "It was a complete mistake."


"Er..." Lorie paused.

She didn't actually know why it was a bad thing. It was just a kiss, after all. Just a harmless kiss.

Then she realised why.

"Because I can't hurt him," she said quietly. "It would kill me if I hurt him."

"Why would kissing him hurt him?"

"Because.... because I'll break his heart," Lorie said. "I'm not the kind of girl who can be with someone like him."

"Someone like him?"

"A nice person," Lorie said, her eyes suddenly welling up in an embarrassing way. "He's so pure and good. I'm just not the sort of girl who ends up with good people."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I never have."

"Just because you never have doesn't mean you never will," Tom said wisely. "Don't let your previous romances take control over now."

Lorie stayed silent, thinking of little Connor Wilkins in the cupboard back when they were nine. A prime example.

"Tom! Ki-Hong's doing a striptease! Come over here," said a woman's happy voice.

"One second Isabella, I'm just talking to a friend," Thomas laughed. "Tell him to wait for me."

"Who's that?" Lorie asked.

"Girlfriend," Tom explained, blushing a little. "Now, where were we?"

"You were just about to go," Lorie said. She wanted to talk more but felt guilty for keeping him.

"No no, tell me more. I want to help."

"Thank you," Lorie said. "But I wouldn't want you to miss a striptease."

"Okay, call me later."


"Bye Lorie."

And then there was one. All alone in her room with only her tears to keep her company.

NOTE: ahdbwbbe I'm so sorry this update is so late and I haven't been on wattpad for an age.
if I did a joe cole fic would anyone read it? lemme kno bc I'm feeling it

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