"Thank you. I thought it was the perfect thing to wear for such a special occasion" She says softly as she pulls me in for a hug

"I can't believe we're actually about to do this. Do you have your ring? I want you to wear it tonight" I ask letting her go

"Yep. And from this moment on I will never take it off" She gives me a quick kiss before grabbing her jacket

We both walk out and head to her car. We decided to drive since Caitlin didn't want to ruin her hair. We drive over to the bar and I can just feel the nervousness inside both of us. We are about to tell the people we most care about that we have been dating for nearly 5 months and that we are engaged. Before I know it, we are parked in front of the bar.

"We can do this. It's time" she says nervously

"Yea we can. Come one" We both open our doors and walk to the building

Caitlin takes one last look at her ring before we walk in. We walk in to see that everyone is already here drinking.

"We were wondering when you guys were going to show up" Cisco says loudly, probably because of the music in the background

"Sorry" Caitlin says before taking seat

We order out drinks and begin talking about the speedster that disappeared. After awhile Cisco brings up the events that transpired last time me and Caitlin were here.

"She got up there and began singing summer nights. And of course she just had to pull Barry up there with here" Cisco says laughing, that made all of us laugh

"Well I was told Barry was a pretty good singer" Iris says laughing

"No. I don't sing"

We all just begin laughing. It's just like old times, I missed this. Me and Iris are actually getting along I just hope it lasts after the big announcement.

"Guys. I think it's time we tell you the real reason were all here" I tell them

"What do you mean?" Joe asks, I look over at Caitlin and she just nods her head

"Caitlin and I have something to say..."

"You and Caitlin? Both of you together?" Cisco says as a giant smile appears on his face

"Yes...Barry and I have been dating for the past 5 months" Caitlin blurts out

I look at there faces to see the shock expression on there faces. Cisco looks like he is about to burst with happiness, and Iris looks kinda sad. I expected that.

"So for the last 5 months you to have been dating?" Iris asks again

"Yes. We are in love and we have been dating since after the last time we were here"

"But that's not all...." Caitlin says

"What more could there be? Are you two moving in together or something?" Joe asks shocked


"I proposed to Caitlin last night and we are getting married"

"What!" Cisco yells, people begin to look at us

Caitlin just covers her face with her hands.

"It's true" Caitlin says showing off the ring on her finger

"Damn Barr...that's a nice ring" Joe says happily

"This is literally the best day of my life. I have to call Felicity" Cisco says pulling out his phone

"Iris...you have been quiet" I tell her

"You lied to me again. I finally thought we could put everything in the past but then you go and tell me you have been dating someone for the past 5 months and now your getting married! What the hell is wrong with you that you can't just be honest with me?" Iris says before storming out of the bar

"Barry congratulations. I am so happy for you and Caitlin. I have never been prouder. I would stay but I think I should go find Iris" Joe says sympathetically before walking out as well

Cisco looks at us again before asking us a bunch of questions.

"So that girl we heard in the background at your hotel room was Caitlin?" Cisco asks surprised


"Well i call dibs on best man....And I am going to go call everyone I know and tell them. But first Felicity owes me a big I told you so....congrats guys" Cisco says before leaving

Now it's just me and Caitlin. It couldn't be anymore perfect.

"Well that was eventful" She says laughing bit

"As expected. So now that everyone knows. You wanna head home"


"And this time if you want to strip for me I promise I will turn around this time" I joke

She punches me lightly in the arm. We start laughing as I grab her hand and head to her car. We drive to her home. Our home...where we will be together forever.

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