What you like to do together

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He likes to show you new movie you never watched before. It wasn't until about you were 10 that your family finally got a TV. So, you missed out on a lot of cool things that aired. Mainly, he shows you the Star Wars series, The Lord of The Rings, and comedies. You'd snuggle on the couch with his arm around you and your head on his chest, this always ends with the both of you falling asleep and you spending the night.


You two go to the arcade, obviously. Sometimes, you would beat each other's high-scores and then instead of putting your name you'd leave things like 'haha' or 'beat that' or 'hi Lucas' or 'hi y/n'. It's your thing. Plus, it's funny seeing people reaction when they see the #1 score with a name that makes no sense.


You two like to go to library. You knew about all of Dustin's little mishaps with the librarian. You help each other out. Like when Dustin wanted to check out five books about reptiles but he already had five other overdue, you helped distract the librarian while he ran out with the books. But mostly you'd just stay in the library reading your own books quietly to yourselves and then go get something to eat.


You listen to music with each other.
You made mix tapes for one another and your favorite thing was when you'd put the volume on full blast and you two would just lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling with nothing but music being heard. Your favorite song to listen to is Should I Stay or Should I go, it was Wills favorite and it comforted the both of you knowing that as long as you had each other, everything was going to be okay.

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