Chapter 3: Trapped

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Chapter 3: Trapped

    We got to the north border in less than two hours. I shifted my stance uncomfortably. Something about this whole thing didn't seem right.

    "Alright from here we will split up and circle the surrounding area-" Robert started but I cut him off.

    "No. No splitting up, it's too risky. I mean this entire plan is risky but splitting up would be like walking into a demon best with out any weapons or gear." I said.

    "I agree with Simon." Alec said.

    "Me too." Jace said.

    "Alright. I guess we won't be splitting up." Robert grumbled. We moved in a back to back, circle like formation so no one could surprise us.

    "Everyone stop! I heard something." I hissed. The group stopped and listened.

    "What was it?" My dad asked.

    "I swear I heard someone one whispering. Were any of you talking?"

    "No." Was murmured through the group. Just then I saw some movement to my right. I took out a long sword, the rest of the men did the same. Dark Shadowhunters surrounding us from every side. We were screwed.


    I paced around the living room restlessly.

    "Izzy. Stop pacing, Simon's going to be ok." My mom groaned. I knew something was wrong though, nervousness flooded through me. Clary was pacing too.

    "Izzy can I talk to you upstairs for a second?" Clary asked. He green eyes were nervous and something else that was unreadable.

    "Of course." I said. Jocelyn gave us a odd glance but went back to chatting with Luke. Clary grabbed my arm and dragged me up the stairs to her room. I shut the door behind me and sat on the bed next to her.

    "Is this about Jace?" I asked.

    "Well it involves him but it's not about him." She said and played with the Herondale family ring on her finger. "I found something out the other day and I'm not sure if I should be happy or worried."

    "I think I have a little bit of a idea on where this is going." I said. She looked up at me.

    "I had a feeling you would. I just didn't want to go to my mom because she would get pissed and probably stab Jace repeatedly, and ground me for life" Clary laughed.

    "Just so we make sure we are on the same page, you're pregnant right?"

    She nodded "Yup."

    I hugged her, "You'll be a great mother. Does Jace know?"

She shook her head. "No. He doesn't."

    "Well you aren't alone on this. I'm expecting too." I said.

    "You just had Hunter!" She said in shock.

    "Yeah I had him four months ago, and I cant really change anything now." I shrugged.

    "Can you two keep your bodies to you self instead of turing out your damn bed whenever you can?" She grumbled playfully with a smirk.

    "Clary!" I laughed and smacked her shoulder lightly. "I could ask you the same thing!" We both laughed. Without warning a wave of distress ran through me. That meant only one thing, Simon was in trouble.


    Dark Shadowhunters swarmed our tightly pressed back to back group but we held our ground. The dark Shadowhunters circled us, it was a little intimidating. I was happy I didn't see anyone I knew. I snicked out my fangs, one of the dark Shadowhunters lunged at Jace with a dagger but Jace was ready and he cut the Shadowhunters throat. Robert had a pained look on his face, he must have known some of these people from the Circle. Like lightning the rest of the Dark Shadowhunters attacked with incredible speed and accuracy, just like they did before. I didn't want to kill these people even though they probably had no soul and they were trying to kill us. There could be a way to save them but then again some of them probably chose this and would try to convert again. One advanced on me finally (I had a feeling they thought I wasn't much of a threat.) I readied myself the Shadowhunter looked at me with some confusion. I looked at her with confusion then realized who she was.

    It was Luke's sister Amitis Herondale. I knew I couldn't kill her, I decided to knock her out instead. She shook off the look of confusion and advanced on me again. I knew these Shadowhunters were strong, I didn't want to do to her what Sebastian did to Max. Hit her too hard. I picked up a fairly big rock that was on the ground next to my foot. I picked it up and had it ready to smack her head with.

    "What do you think you're going to do with that?" she cackled.

    "This." I grunted and hit the side of her head with it. With out a sound she fell to the ground. I checked her puls, it was still strong. I looked around, only a few Dark Shadowhunters remained. I decided it was safe and I dragged her behind a tree. I went back to my spot in the circle. The last Dark Shadowhunter fled. I saw a couple body's that looked burned.

    "Oh God. Don't tell torch boy singed a couple." I groaned. This comment got me a grin from Jace.

    "Does any one need any immediate healing?" Robert asked.

    "No" was once again murmured through the crowd.

    "It was a good thing Luke decided to hang back." I said, all eyes went to me.

    "What do you mean?" Austin asked. I motioned for everyone to follow me and I led them to the tree where Amitis lay unconscious.

    "There could be a way to change her back. We need to talk to Brother Zacharia." I said.

    "You knocked her out?" Alec questioned.

    "No, he just sang her a lullaby and gently tucked her behind this tree to sleep." Jace snorted.

    "Good one." I said and gave Jace a high five. This earned a glare from Robert and Alec.

    "Simon, carry her back. You're the least injured, make sure she stays unconscious." Robert instructed.

    "Ok." I said and picked Amitis up bridal style. We walked back to the Clave Hall in silence and the dark. At every sound we heard, we would pull out our weapons only to find the "danger" was a deer or stray dog. We got to the Clave Hall around midnight. I and everyone else was utterly exhausted. Brother Zacharia met us with two other silent brothers.

    Give her to me young one. We will try to help her. He spoke in my mind. I handed Amitis to Brother Zacharia, I saw a flash of appreciation in Magnus's cat eyes. The brothers dipped their heads and disappeared into the building.

    "Can we just portal back?" Alec asked.

    "Yeah." Magnus said with a yawn. He portaled us back, I could tell it used a lot of what little energy he had left. We stumbled tiredly into the house. Maryse, Luke, and Jocelyn sat at the counter drinking coffee. Izzy and Clary were no where to be seen.

    "Luke. I need to talk to you." Robert said and led his old friend out the front door. I staggered up the steps and into Izzy's room. She was peacefully asleep in bed.

I grabbed some boxers and sweat pants and I quietly walked into the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water made me more tired. When I got out I towel tried my hair and got my sleep wear on and climbed into bed. Isabelle didn't stir, her breathing was even. She must have been in a deep sleep. I kissed her forehead and fell asleep.

A Love That Bites Book 5 (Mortal Instruments fan fiction/ Sizzy)Where stories live. Discover now