Chapter One

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Erik Garrison ground his teeth as he looked at his expensive watch for the fourth time. "Fuck.", he swore ripely.
He walked out of Quickstop café to check on his car again.

He was already late for the conference in Dublin. He stormed out of the café's glass doors and passed a woman who looked at him with a lusty gleam in her eye. He didn't even spare her a glance. With his large, athletic build, he was used to the reactions he received from women.

Erik's full lips curled in distaste. Women were the most dishonest and manipulative people he'd ever come across and the fact that they seemed to think he was as gullible as all other men was one the pissed him off.

Erik came to a stop next to his Mercedes-Benz SLS AMF just as the servicer came out of his cabin.
"All done?", Erik asked in his low gravely voice.
The older man nodded nervously. Erik moved towards the driver's door. "You'll receive your cheque." The older man moved onto Erik's path before clearing his throat.

"I only w-work with cash... sir.", the man said.

Erik felt a pang of guilt at the slight fear in the man's eyes. At 31, Erik had an imposing presence.
The wealth behind the Garrison name and his broad shoulders didn't help the matter. Neither did the dark look in his steel Grey eyes. He moved around the man, ignoring a dark-haired woman who stood at the cabin door eyeing his body, and opened his car door. He pulled out a small wad of bills that exceeded the amount required and handed it to the older man who's eyes rounded in astonishment. Giving the man a curt nod,  Erik got in his car and drove the last 5 miles to his destination. Sometimes he hated being the Chairman of the St. Davis Private Healthcare Hospital...

Suzanna's POV

Suzanna turned the key in the lock,  opened then cautiously walked through the door of her new London apartment. She felt along the smooth cold wall for light switch. 

She found it and the room was bathed in light. She closed the door behind her and walked into the lounge area looking down at the bright blue rug. The walls were a sterile Grey and there were bright color splashes all over the room. Suzanna grinned, with her fiery red hair, anyone would be forgiven for thinking she was a painter. She sank onto the lush grey sofa and turned on her cell phone.

9 missed calls! All from the same number. Damn! The hospital phoned her 9 times.                              Well, way to go on messing up your new job even before you started, sweetheart, its a world record. 

Cringing at her thoughts, she pulled her hair out of its pony and stared at the rug in front of her.    Would they think she was unproffesional or unreliable because they couldn't reach her? She hoped not.                                                                                                                                                               Suzanna was starting work at St. Davis Private Healthcare hospital in two days and she was already fucking things up by missing calls. 

She quickly called back, then remembered it was ten thirty at night. She'll just have to drop in tomorrow and speak to Dr. Ross in person to make up for this. As she got up to find the bedroom, Suzanna's thoughts drifted back to the venomous words Meredith spat at her.

Suddenly Suzanna stopped and laughed bitterly into the dark corridor. The sound echoed in the silent apartment.

I should have strangled the life out of that old bitch! If not for the respect I had for Chad... Suzanna ground her teeth together. 

Why the hell did I go tell them I was thinking of leaving?                                                                       Unsure of her decision then, that visit to the Rollins' home definitely convinced her. Those snotty nosed snobs can drown in their damn tea, for all I care.                                                                 Her green eyes blazing,  Suzanna walked into the first bedroom she found, threw herself onto the bed and instantly regretted it when she felt sharp pain rip through her side and midsection. She groaned in pain. Damn stitches!

She couldn't wait to start working. She'd finally have something to look forward to everyday.

Something to take away the painful memories continuously dancing around in her mind.

Dr Ross warned her to come early on Monday when she would start, because apparently she had to make a good impression on the Chairman who for some reason had a problem with hiring her. Suzanna scowled sleepily. The old goat doesn't even know me. As the pain dulled to a throb, she felt herself slipping into a welcomed deep sleep.

Damn, this is short. No worries! They'll get longer. Promise.

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