I Don't

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I whimpered in fear as I was trying to run away from bad
I started to get really dizzy and it was hard to breathe, I turned the corner but I found myself in a dead end.
Oh no no no no no, I tried to find a way out, maybe if I just run up the walls? No, um maybe I could climb and hide in-

"NUMBER EIGHT TWO FOUR!" Uh oh, to late...
#824's white tipped tail didn't move, it was just straight indicating fear. Her tight leather collar made it even more harder to breathe,

"Stay right there!" The doctors' voice was rough, sharp, and loud, behind him were two other people waiting for his command, #824 was like a deer being spotted in the dark by a passing car, frozen in place, to scared to move, this isn't the first time a patient ran away.

She started to back away slowly to the wall, her tear stained face was getting another coat of the salty layers. She collapsed from lack of food, water, and sleep moments later letting the people come pick her up and put her back in her isolation room, the hospital where she was born, raised, and created in for these past few years. No windows, no light, no food, water or bed, nothing. Just a camera at the top of the 3 meters high room watching her again.

The cold concrete ground made her shiver, footsteps could be heard from different ends of the building, and other whimpers could be heard, Siblings? Friends? Who knows, none of them are allowed to interact with each other.

Her limbs were shaking trying to keep her up, her body felt numbed by the cold, and her tail sat still, she laid herself against one of the walls to stabilize, and just stared at the red dot coming from the camera.

The red it watching again, I don't like this, I don't I don't I don't!
Mouth is dry, tummy is fat but loud. I don't like this...

#824's hair spiked trying to keep her warm, her body fainted from lack of health and she slept having constant nightmares but unable to wake up from them.

The door unlocked and the worker pulled her out of the room and tugged her to the recovery room. Feeding her food and water from tubes and a dripper, the nurse made her sleep in the small hospital bench.

Bad...bad...bad, I want to leave, please please please.


Don't worry, #824 won't be in here for long,
I imagine the hospital is like the one in Stranger Things, with Eleven..

Also, Cosaytin can I add in Luna for some parts of it in the future? What do you think of this so far?

Anyways, see ya!

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