Chapter 2

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As I heard the sound of my mom pulling into the driveway, I take off my glasses and rush over to my room. I hear the front door open and I quickly take out my computer and log into my online homeschooling account. I hear high heels stepping their way closer and closer and then the door to my room creeks open, and I continue to stare down at my bright computer screen.

"Venus?" I hear her sympathetic voice say, almost cautiously.

I hurriedly grab my sketchbook from my dresser and write "Yeah, mom?" Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'm selective mute. I haven't talked for 8 years, and if I do try to talk, I'm really afraid of what my voice might sound like. My mom took me to therapy for a while ago because of it, but it never helped and I guess she just accepted the fact that I probably won't be talking anytime soon.

I turn to her and hand her the sketchbook. She glances down at it for a second and hands it back to me. Her honey brown eyes meet my emerald green ones and she opens her mouth, and then closes it.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, and I know you're going to be mad at me for this for a long time..." What's going on? What did she do? I thought. "Just tell me, please" I wrote, ripping it off and handing it to her. She looks down at it and doesn't look back up, which worries me even more.

"Um...okay" she swallows loudly and sits on next to me on my bed. I bite my lip and i start to taste a little blood.

"I enrolled you into one of the schools here"

Was she joking? Had she lost her mind? There was no way I was going back to school. I started shaking and hyperventilating. This couldn't be happening.

"Hey, hey honey remember what the doctor said, breathe in for 4 seconds," I breathed in "hold it in for seven seconds" I held it in "and breathe out for 8 seconds." She finished with a reassuring smile. That comforted me a little but I still can't understand her reason for doing this. So, I write "Why?"

"Okay so first of all, we both know you haven't been doing your schoolwork, and second of all, the last time you went to school was when you were seven." She had a point. It's been almost 8 years since I've tried going to public school, but I obviously still wasn't too fond of the idea. But, I knew there was no point in fighting back. When my mom makes up her mind, there's no chance she's changing it.

"You start next Monday" she says, flatly. Tears well up in my eyes, why does it have to be so sudden? This isn't fair!

"You'll be fine, Venus, I promise." she said standing up, cupping my face and kissing my forehead.

"And the second something bad happens, I'm pulling you out of there, okay?" I nod as a tear slips down my cheek. Maybe it won't be that bad. Maybe it will. But normal fifteen-year-old girls have friends and maybe this is my chance to make some.

(A/N just in case somebody reads this) Hey this also sucks but Ill still be editing this in case anybody decides to read this absolute trash. Stay safe my dudes peace out.

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