"Holy crap, Midoriya!" Amazed was a small word compared to what she was feeling. With a wide, excited smile she gave his book back. "This is incredible! I can't believe how through you are! You go across every little possibility!" And the fact that it was about her made the girl warm inside, though she was embarrassed to say it out loud.

He seemed to shine as he took the book back, just from the radiance of his smile. "T-thanks! It means a lot, really!" No exaggeration there. This was the first time someone had praised his analysis. People normally found it creepy and asked him to stop. Even his own mother recommended him to stop by the time he got to his fifth book, thinking he was hurting himself more by surrounding himself with quirk information while he longed so much for one of his own. Not that he could blame her. She was only caring for him. "I-I have e-even more back on my home..." He muttered shyly as he showed her the cover.

Hero Analysis for the Future 13.


He had twelve more of these.

"Wow..." She exhaled. Just thinking about it gave her goose bumps. Itsuka felt her admiration for him grow tenfold. Such a humble, great person. "Can you show them all later? After we're done?" She asked hopefully.

"S-sure! I-if you d-don't mind later w-we could... Um..." He paused, honestly a bit surprised he was about to suggest what he does. "G-go to my house? I-I mean, it must be so weird having me invite you and you d-don't have to accept it if you don't want to but..." He trailed off, noticing he was getting carried away. The girl just smiled warmly to him.

"No prob. I would be glad to, if you would have me!" She replied. "I just hope I'm not intruding."

"N-no, not at all!" He affirmed, before noticing they got sidetracked. A lot. "So...Um... About the test..."

As he mentioned that, her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, I forgot about it completely!" That wasn't like her at all. The excitement must've overwhelmed her. "Let's begin then. Any suggestions?"

"I don't even have an idea about what we're facing..." He muttered. "Aizawa-sensei told us we would be fighting something random they wanted to send in, but nothing more..."

"I'm pretty sure that we'll be fighting the initiation robots. Probably zero pointers." She spoke with confidence.

Izuku looked down, thinking. "That makes sense." He agreed. "In that case, what we could do is..."

------------------------------------------LINE BREAK--------------------------------------

It was three hours later when they finished, having over a hundred plans for the physical exam. Nothing less than a perfect score was to be expected in this part. Granted, they were only fighting robots, but it never hurt to be sure.

That's not to say that they are tired, however. They had so much fun they didn't notice the time flow. It was rare for them to find someone so likeminded and they were enjoying every second of it.

Currently, they were in the local streets of Musutafu, heading towards Midoriya's house while chatting about past experiences.

"-And that's literally all we did! To be honest I kind of regret choosing her agency. Staying home would have been more productive..." Itsuka said, remembering her week of field experience.

"That... sounds disappointing." He commented. Even if by some twist of fate he hadn't stumbled across the Noumu and Stain, Gran Torino would have helped him come up with Full Cowl, so he was a-okay. Knowing how much of a fan boy he was, though, he was sure that he would love spending time with probably any Pro Hero, no matter how petty they could be.

Class Crossover!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें