come on Zara!

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"come on zara!!" my mothers voice echoed throught the house, can't that woman give me a minute i am trying to put my converse on.

"wait mom these converse won't go on me!" i shouted back, pushing the shoe onto my foot. my hand slip and my knee hit my face. ouch

"just put your vans on!" my mother answered and i heard a thump on the stairs she must've threw them on the stairs.

i finally got the converse on, i quickly ran and got my bag. checking my hair in the mirror, wait why should i care?

i ran out of my room and down the stairs passing the shoes, my mother stood at the front door eye brow raised, pointing at her watched.

"half an hour to get ready? well lets say your improving last time it was an hour." she laughed opening the front door,i chuckled and rolled my eyes. I hopped into the passengers seat before my fourteen year old twert brother could.

he came out of the house sighing because i got the passenger seat before him, i giggled, he slouched into the back seat.

I sat there waiting for my mom to get in,since shes too busy talking to the neighbour and trying to open the gate, i looked out to see my mom chatting to the new neighbour i learned that his name was Joe. Joe seemed cool, but not cool enough for my mom to date, i mean my mom and dad have split up a year now, she cant just chat up anyone she see's

"hey twert,have you seen my headphones?" i asked my brother Max, although he seemed to be engulfed in something else,so engulfed that he ignored me.

"have you seen my headphones?!" i asked again a bit louder and coughed afterwards,a pair of tangled headphones swung and hit my face,idiot.

"thanks." i said sarcastically, he sniggered, i hate little brothers.

Moms been giggling and chatting with that Joe guy for a bit now. I mean i cant be late, i moved over into the drivers seat and honked the horn.

"come on mom!! We're going to be late!" i shouted,mom and Joe both looked at me,Joe waved and mom rolled her eyes, mom ran back to the car and opened it while i moved into the passenger seat.

She had a smile like a chesire cat, "what's with the smile?" i asked.

"oh nothing, Joe's a nice man." she replied starting the engine and driving out the gate, something's telling me something went on.

"and ummm well he asked me out Saturday." she quickly said with a guilty look on her face, she knows my opinion on her dating, she knew i found it hard to move on from their break up.

"what?" i spat, turning my head around and frowning viciously at her,i love her but right now i want to kill her.

"look honey, i know your finding it hard to get over me and your dad but honey this is another opportunity for me to find love." my mom answered smiling at the end.

"find love? He moved in next door six days ago!" i shouted, she jumped abit turning down the radio.

"look ok, I'm just going to go on this one date,just this one date."she said holding her finger up indicating the number one.

Soon enough we turned up outside my high school, "just to be obvious Julia," i paused, i call my mom Julia her real name when I'm mad at her, "your setting your heart up for failure and the rest of us." i stated slamming the door after me and storming up the steps of school, more likely steps of doom

The bell hasn't gone yet so i went and got my books, that little shit how dare she let another stranger walk in our lives and hurt us again shes like cruella de Ville. I got my books and made my way to my first class before the bell went.

I made it to science and it only consisted of the early freaks which was me and a nerd called Andy and garth then some girl Nancy, we all don't really talk. I don't have friends really at this school, i don't really have friends at all,i eat my lunch in the library,they don't really mind though alot of kids do it.

I rushed down to my seat and got everything out,my book,my hardback and my pencil case. I waited patiently tapping my pencil off my hard back,maybe I'm annoying them, stop Zara.

That i did.

Then the bell went,

Here come the air-heads and the idiot village stamping in two by two hoorah.


The worst of all is the king of the airheads is my lab partner isn't that fun?- his name is Karl, Karl has no clue what goes on most of the time,which is not surprising since he's also a dick

"hey cara." he said sitting in his seat next to me and burping, blowing it into my face, wow the lovely scent of morning breath and slushy, beautiful smell on a Monday morning.

"thanks Karl, and its Zara." i stated sitting in my seat properly waiting for the lesson to start.

As usual in a lesson i would say the answer quietly but someone else would claim it was them who said the answer, i was just too shy to confront them about it. The rest of the day went pretty much the same but this time it was all starting to get on my nerves,

I was glad to finally get home and do all my homework and get it over with so i can spend the rest of the night singing along to hey Mondays album hold on tight, i know 'old' but i still love it.

"can you turn your shit down!" Max shouts from the room next door, without answering him i threw a shoe at the wall that divides our room indicating a no.

I lay on my bed and think of todays events why am i underappreciated? Why do people take me for granted? Have i ever done anything so horrific to them that it might have triggered it?

I really don't know. I sat up at the edge of my bed hugging my pillow.

'i wish people would just appreciate me more and stop taking me for granted.'

**hey guys its just the first chapter,i really hope yous like it.

Read, comment vote etc


Becks xx**

underappreciated me (patrick stump fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now