Chapter 3: Really?

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(a/n hey this has more dialogue so it might be longer. thanks guys for reading oki bi)

Ryan's POV

So we were walking home (well to his home) and we approached the steps. Brendon walked right on, I was sorta, hesitant

Brendon looked back "what's wrong"

I stood there, starring at the steps, my head shot up "what? oh, uh, nothing." I walked up the front steps and continued to the front door. Brendon dug out his key from his pocket and opened the door

"my, uh, parents are still at work" Brendon too me as we walked into the house. I just stood there with my hands in my front pockets.

the house was spacey, it had tile floor in the entrance and to to right you saw a small bathroom and if you go forward you saw the stairs (2 really. half way about their was a small platform to turn on) to the right and a window to the left. in front you have your living area with a 40"-50" TV and one big couch that was light brown lighter than the wall paint and the wood floors, it was one of those couches that turned so like its like 2 couches . you saw an arch to the kitchen and an arch to a guest room(?)/office

Brendon threw his bag on the stairs. and planted him self on the couch. I slowly walked over to the couch with him and sat.

"So" Brendon said awkwardly, "whatca wanna do?"

get to know him more. but if I asked that then that would be to much and stuff...

"I-um- I don't know...what do you want to do?" I answered

Brendon had a smirk appear on his face, them he looked up, as if what he wanted to do was up stairs "come one" he got up quick and raced up the steps. I followed after.

Brendon was to fast. I lost him at the top of the stairs, I looked around I looked to the right and to the left. there was a hallway turn left so I ran after it and saw Brendon out side of a door. I walked over and a smirk appeared on my face.

"You know how music is like, life?" Brendon asked

I did a breathly laugh and said "yes"

"well," Brendon opened the door of witch he was standing in front of and I saw a bedroom. wait, what?

"uhh.."  I narrowed and eyebrow at him.

"come hear" he took my wrist and pulled me into the room and led me in front of a large CD rack, whoa...

"Whoa! that's so cool!" stood before me was music, music of all kinds "oh my god, is that, Fergie I see?"

"Guurrll, you know she's fergielusios" Brendon said in a girly voice

"Oh well th- Whoa is that a Nirvana Album?!" I said and pulled out the album that caught my eye and looked at it.

"yeah, that's um the unplugged album, then I also own Bleach and Nevermind..." Brendon confirmed

"This so cool!" I exclaimed

"Yeah I guess..." for him yeah its normal, he's probably owned the CDs for awhile now...

his music when from Nirvana to Blink-182 to Nine Inch Nails... this was awesome... like seriously

I put the album back where I got it and sat on his bed..."So you say you dated Katey? "

he sat next to me "Yeah, um, we went to school together in middle school, we dated about 3 months, that's when I found out I do not like girls" his head shot up, eyes wide, "I-I I uh-"

I cut him off "no, I know what you mean, its cool, i- uh- me 2..." I looked down at my hand for that last part

"oh.." Brendon said awkwardly

a few seconds of silence broke though until I killed it with a "can we, uh, change the subject?" I said standing up from the bed and walking somewhere random, not facing him

"uh-yeah" he paused "just,uh, one question"

"shot" I said softly, still not facing the boy, biting my nails, but slowly I did turn back to him, soon I was facing him


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