Chapter 1

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Y/N's P.O.V.
"Dinner will be ready in five minutes" Dad shouts so the whole house can hear. I'm lying on my bed scrolling through YouTube on my phone. I am in Lauren, Dani, Lisa, and my room. Its a pretty big room, with two sets of bunk beds. Lauren and I each get a top bunk. Dani sleeps in the one below mine and Lisa sleeps in the one below Lauren's. Christina, Katherine, and Amy share another room. Nick, Christian, and Joey share a room. Alex and Michael don't live here anymore. We barely get to see them because they live in California. Luck for me, most of the time my siblings are out with there friends most of the time so I don't have to deal with them. But sadly, everyone is here today. "DINNER" Mom screams from the kitchen, nearly making me jump. I climb down the ladder of the bunk bed and slowly make my way to the kitchen. This is my least favorite part of the day, because this is when I have to gather with my whole family. "Hi baby!" Mom says to me as she pinches my cheeks. I immediately feel my face turn as red as a tomato. "There's our little girl" Dad says and gives me a hug. My eight other siblings sitting at the table all start to hysterical laugh. My cheeks turn an even brighter shade of red than they did before. "Well hi to you too" I say annoyed at my parents. They just look at each other and smile. It's almost as if they are trying to embarrass me. I sit down at the table and look around. They are all either smiling, rolling their eyes, or still laughing. Soon enough the awkward silence a broke when Mom said,"Well don't just sit there, you guys can start to eat" My sibling all start to grab food off of the table. We are eating chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and salad. Once they finish I make my own plate with the left overs; a lot of salad, a small piece of chicken, and some broccoli. There was barely any mashed potatoes left and I don even really like them. Besides, Nick would probably yell at me for eating them, because they are his favorite. "So how was everyone's day. Lets go around the table and see" Dad says before stabbing a piece of chicken. Since I'm sitting next to mom who is next to dad, I will end up going last like I do every day. "My day was great. Nick and I went to the movies and then out for lunch" Christina says. "Me too. Amy and I went to this painting place which was so much fun" Katherine states as she is about to eat some salad. "My day was good too. I took Nick to his football game, and flirted with James" Lisa says smiling. I laugh in my mind because seeing Lisa try to flirt is like pulling teeth...extremely painful and difficult. "Katherine pretty much summed it up, but I did paint a picture of a bird flying through the sky." Amy adds. "I went on a nice walk and then went to a basketball game with Dani and Elli" Lauren says with a smile. "Yup. Me, Lauren, and Elli went to a basketball game. It was lit!" Dani says. She thinks she so cool when she says that but she honestly isn't. "Zack, Toni, T.J., Will, Dom, and I went to the arcade down town." Joey says while eating broccoli. "Griffin and I went to the lake and got some nice pictures" Christian said with a smile. He's a really good photographer. "I had my last football game, and our team we won by 13 points! We merked the other team and blew them right out of the water" Nick finishes. He's super good at football and he loves it more than he loves swim. Now its my turn. I take a deep breath and say "My day was fine I guess. All I did was work on some school lesson." I spoke very emotionless because honestly the day was so boring. "Awww what's the matter the baby had a bad day. Does someone need a diaper change?" Dani says in a mocking tone. "You know what Dani? Why don't you just shut up cause at least when people try to offend me they don't actually mean the things they say. But when people offend you, they actually mean it. Especially when they say you CANT sing" I shout rather loudly. The room becomes dead silent and all eyes are on me and Dani.You know what, I'm fed up with her out of all of my siblings. She thinks she can torture me my whole life, well not anymore! "What did you just say???!!!" She said angrily. The figurative smoke is starting to come straight out of her ears and nose. "I SAID YOU CANT SING" I say standing up and slamming my hands onto the table. "Well you know what I CAN do? THROW A PUNCH!" Dani screams and stands up from her side of the table. Luckily we were on two different sides so she couldn't reach me. She runs around to my side of the table. Before she could get here though, I stand up and run for my life. I run around the table as she chases after me. I'm terrified right now. Dani is a VERY strong and powerful girl. My whole family is standing up now. Mom and dad are yelling at Dani to stop chasing me but she wont listen. Lauren starts to chase Dani who is chasing me. I quickly run upstairs with Dani trailing on my tail. Lauren sprints up the stairs and is now in front of Dani. I run to our room and into the corner. This was a bad idea because there is no way out. Lauren and Dani come barging into the room. Lauren jumps in front of me trying to hold Dani back. I curl up into a ball and brace myself for what's about to come. My own sister is trying to hit me! Trying to hit me! "Dani look what you did!" Lauren says. I'm guessing she was pointing down to me, but I'm afraid the minute I pick up my head I'll be punched in the face. I am shaking right now because I'm terrified because of what Dani might do to me. "Good. Look now the baby is scared!" Dani said while laughing. "Dan why do you keep calling her that" Lauren asks Dani. Lauren is still standing in front of me protectively. I quickly grab onto her leg. I'm on the verge of tears but I stay strong. What if Dani tries to hit me? What if she actually does? What if were home alone and she beats me up? "You know why Lauren" Dani says coldly. "Look the kid is shaking! You nearly gave her a heart attack!" Lauren exclaims. Thank God I have Lauren, if it weren't for her I don't even know where I would be right now. "She said I cant sing" Dani said. You can tell she was upset by the tone of her voice. "You called her a baby, again. And then was legit about to punch her" Lauren snapped back to her. "Ugh Lauren I really don't wanna talk right now and besides, I only did it to scare her...and look how that went" Dani says marching away. "Y/N you're ok. Its just me" Lauren says to me. She helps me up and sits me down on Lisa's bed. "I pretend I'm ok. I pretend I'm all fine. I'm really not Lauren! IM NOT OK" I scream Lauren pulls me into a hug. "Its ok. She would never hurt you." Lauren said. "Ho-o-w do you knowwww?" I stutter out. The tears are still falling down my cheeks. "She's my sister too. Plus Dani even said she only did it to scare you" Lauren says as she rubs my back. She is still holding me in her arms. "Laur...why does she do this. Why do they all do this?" I choke out while sobbing. "I don't know" She says quietly while holding me tighter. I saw right through her lie but I honestly dont know why they do this. Everyone hates me. My family hates me. I start to cry harder. I put my head onto Lauren's lap and close my eyes. I'm still quietly sniffling. "Lauren, You are the only one who loves me" I whisper. "That's not true. We all love you" She says back to me with a voice crack. Anyone could tell that she was upset right now. I'm still shaking in fear because what if Dani gets me. She starts to rock me back and forth eventually until I fall asleep.

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